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Perrie's Pov:

My eyes widen in shock. I couldn't breathe. I started to hyperventilate.

I gasped and gasped for air. All the air inside of me all came out.

I felt her hand in my back. I jumped away from her, as I sobbed.

I-I need air.

I walked out of the room. I entered the garden gasping for air, expecting she'd be here any second. Oh boy I was wrong again.

It felt like 15 minutes before I finally came back to life, not entirely.

I was numb from all the crying, let's also not mention the fact that I expected Jade(yes im on first name basis again) to come out here and comfort me like the sweet girl she is.

I was furious, how could she not follow me? And sadly I know the answer to my own question.

It's either she wanted to give me time and space, or I.....just lost her completely. The thought of not having or being with her in the same house, is driving me insane.

I stayed here at the garden, debating on going inside and facing her or sleeping at Lauren's. Hey she said I could crash there if I had problems so why not right? And Jade also wouldn't mind right?

I was to angry to look at her, she hid that from me. Im furious. I walked back in the house.

I was expecting to see her at the kitchen counter waiting for me to be back. Oh boy, I guess im wrong again.

I should really stop making expectations she can't meet. I thought to myself.

I grabbed my coat and some shoes. Not being able to resist the urge to find know where she is, I walked quietly up the stairs.

As I was down the hallway, I heard her voice. I clenched my jaw and balled my fists. Realizing what I did, I un-clenched my jaw and freed my hand.

I made my way onto the room.

The door was open just a little bit, to see and hear her.

And into my dismay she was on the phone with someone? I don't know who.

I moved my ear just a little bit and this is what I heard:

*I said I don't know yet, stop calling me!* Jade whisper-shouted.

*Have you told her about it?* I heard her voice. The voice of my hatest enemy. Why was she calling Jade? The questioned lingered on my head.

A few minutes of silence. I heard Jade's voice speak.

*Look okay I told her, I don't know* She ran her hand through her curl roughly.

*What did she say?* She asked.
*She hasn't said anything.* She said looking down.

Our room had a view of the garden. She was looking for me.

Oh shit.

*Well what do you want her to say?*
I heard her teasing tone.

*Ugh! Why are you making this hard. I want to help you damn it! Stop making it so hard. I love her, but if she says no...then. I don't k-know.* She said as realization hits her.

*See your just blinded by her beauty. Tell me what she says, by baby girl* I saw a blush creep on her, as She said the nickname I use to say to Jade when we had fun.

I felt hurt, sad angry. Is she doubting her love for me?  Wow is this even Jade Thirwall. The woman I love.

I heard Jade gasp. I slowly looked up and our eyes locked.

*Perrie.....* She said. I felt tears fell to the ground. I Turned around and started running.

*Perrie!* She screamed.
She catched up to me and grabbed me by my wrist.

*Please* She said. I turned around and our eyes locked. Again.

*What you want some time for a explanation? Okai. Explain. Now right here.* She didnt answer.

*Call me if your ready or just never call me at all.* She lets go of my wrist.

*Oh and Jade?* I asked turning around again to face her, she looked me in the eye as I saw a little hope in her eyes.

*Y-yes?* She answered hopefully.
*Only call me if it's about my stuff or something really important.* I smiled sarcastically.

I felt a guilt creep up but I shrugged it off.

I grabbed my coat and my phone, as she stood there in complete shock.

As soon as air hit my face, I sighed in relief.

Lauren's Pov:

I was having a hard time falling asleep. I don't know why but I just hated being alone in bed.

After what I feel like is hours I finally fell asleep.

Knock! knock! Knock!

I heard.

Ughhh who could that be?

I glanced over my clock at the bed side table and saw it was only a bit after nine.

I groaned and got up to the door.

I opened it and rubbed my eyes. Once I was able to fully see, I saw Perrie, her once ocean blue eyes were now puffy and red.

*Perrie! Omg what happened?* I asked pulling her in for a hug.

I heard her giggle.

*Oh nothing really* She shrugged.

Oh Perrie Edwards. I know you to well.

*Really what is it?* I asked seriously.

*Can I atleast come inside?* She giggled.

We sat down at the couch.

Perrie's Pov:

After telling her what happened she was furious.

*How dare she?! I trusted her to take care of you!* I sighed.

*How are you?* She asked.
*Honestly, a little better now that I got it off my chest* I sighed again.

*Aww baby come here* I crawled u to her and placed my head in her chest while her arms are around my back.

*It'll get better okai?* Not being able to form words I just nod.

*Laur?* I asked looking up
*Yes Pez?* She answered looking me deep in the eyes.

*Why does she keep hurting me? All she does is hurt me and hurt me and goddamnit hurt me again. Even if it was her fault I was the one to crawl back. If I acted wrong because she did something wrong it'll be my fault. She just keep on hurting me and it's really frustrating* I said falling back into her open arms.

Instead of answering me, she just held me for I don't know how long.

Soon I felt myself drifting to sleep.
*Laur, Please don't hurt me and l-leave me. I cant sleep alone* I said shyly, while closing my eyes
*Don't worry I have a hard time sleeping to, go to sleep baby* And before I knew I was asleep.

Literally stupid me decided I should upload this before the other one. Ya'll I accidentaly pressed publish im sore.

Please follow me readers!

Ily byeeee.
(1145 words)
From you weird writer: Ash.💖

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