~Will you?~

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Jade's Pov:

I woke up because I heard some whispering. Once I was fully awake the whispering became more clear.

*They look so cute I can't wake them up* I heard Debbie whine.

*They have to eat.* Norma disagreed. *Yeh they haven't eaten anything since last night.* I heard Jesy's concerned voice.

Just then the smell off eggs and bacon run through my nose. I immediatly sat up.

*Ow* I said rubbing my arm. I forgot my arms were around Perrie, I accidentally pulled them out making the bruises run through her clothes.

*Hungry?* I heard Debbie ask. I nodded with a hungry smile on my face. *Okay wake up miss lover girl* Debbie said giggling as she walked away.

*Pezzzz? Pezzzza? Pewwie?* I asked shaking her.

Her eyes slowly opened and I saw my favorite pair of blue eyes.

*Morning baba* She said in her morning raspy voice while rubbing her eyes. Just this sight of her makes me melt.

I closened our gap and pecked her lips. *Morning babe* I said before standing up.

I started walking away forgetting I was connected to the monitors. As soon a I got as far, I stumbled on the wire since it pulled me back then pushed me away, I fell fiercely on the ground. *Damn monitor* I huffed trying to stand up, but miserably failed. *Okay up up we go.* I looked up and saw Lauren lending me a hand which I shyly took.

I grabbed the stick monitor thingy(I don't know what it's called can you put your guess in the comments? Thx!)

I made my way(again) to the table where they were laughing at me.*You good?* Leigh asked making me roll my eye. *Seriously Thirlwall* It was her turn to roll her eye.

*Hmm* I hummed in response. I sat at the table while Debbie and my mom place the plates.

(After breakfast):

*Are you sure you're okay? this isn't some sort of act right?* The doctor joked. *It's not doc* Jade answered.

*Well you're good to go Miss. Thirlwall* He started *And he if you start having problems you can come back here, and if you should take it a bit easy if your head starts hurting badly come back here so we can check up on you. And that seems to be it* He looked up from the clipboard and smiled at us.

'Skip the drive home'


Perrie's Pov:

*were finally home.* Jade said as she plopped down on the couch.

She turned the T.V on and switched to different channels, sighing when she didn't find anything she likes.

*Can we watch a movie babeeee?* She asked.*The doctor said you should rest, we'll watch when you wake up yeah?*

*Pweaseeeee?* She asked looking up to me with those cute chocolate orbs. *Fine but after that you'll go to bed.* She beamed a smile at me before patting the sit next to her. I smiled and gladly took the sit next to her.


Perrie's Pov:

After three movies Jade finally fell asleep. She insisted on sleeping until I laid her one the bed. Once I came back to the room she was sound asleep.


Jade's Pov:

I rubbed my eyes, feeling cold. *Babe?* I asked no response. *Baba?* I asked again, still no response *Perrie?* I asked nervously, Still there wasn't any noise.

I got up, nervous, wondering as to where she is. I got downstairs and checked every single room that existed in this house but she wasn't there.

I ran upstairs to grab my phone and ran back down. I opened the fridge while calling her. After three rings, I heard her lovely voice again.

*J'adore?* She asked. *Where are you baba?* I asked while drinking my water. *Oh sorry I left I went to grab some ingredients I wanna cook dinner.*

 My frown was soon replaced by a huge smile. *Okay hurry I miss my girlfriend and be careful, bring my girlfriend home in one piece please, i loveee youuu* I heard her giggle through the phone. *Okay i'l go now bye-bye love you love* I said. *I love you more now byee* She said before hanging up.


After dinner we were watching Aladdin on Netflix. We ate burgers for dinner.

*Jade?* Perrie asked. *Hmm?* I turned my head to look at her. She just stared at the t.v watching. I thought I just heard her call me.

*Will you marry me?* My eyes widened in shock and she was still staring at the t.v.

 Am I hallucinating? Im hearing things right?

*Jade? Will you marry me?* She asked finally turning her head to lock eyes with me.

She looked so calm while im freaking out and I feel like my heart is about to pop out of my chest.

*Are you- Yes!* I answered hugging her. *Huh?* She asked. I pulled back to stare in her blue eyes that had water in them. *Yes! my answer is yes!* I screamed again. She laughed then pulled me in for a sweet, passionate kiss. *Im gonna be Edwards!* I said not believing what was happening.

*Please tell me im not dreaming please! pinch me! Perrie pinch me!* She then did pinch me and I jumped and rubbed the part she pinched.

*See? I just asked you if you wanted to be my wife and your answer was YES!* She screamed pulling me up and hugging me tightly.

A lot of minutes later she finally put me back down to the ground.
I sat on the floor, processing every thing that's happening. I turned to my right and saw Perrie staring at me with tears flowing out of her eyes.

*Jade....* She started but ended with a sob *Im gonna be your wife babe* I smiled as tears started to fall from my eyes to my cheeks.

She placed her head on my shoulder, arms around my waist while I placed my head above hers and arms around her waist too.


eeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkk! They're getting married! That was so unexpected tho-
But always expect the unexpected. anyways hope yo liked this chapter! 

Don't forget to follow me!
(998 Words)

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