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Perrie's Pov:

I drove to McDonald's drive through. After 6 minutes, I was at the beach.I ran through the crowd to our spot.

Me and Jade loved sitting there since it's not that crowded and there's barely any people there. My problem was it was a real long walk.
I'll do anything. Please be safe....

After running for 4 minutes straight, I arrived. I looked around and she wasn't there.

*No!* I screamed as I fell to the ground, tears streaming like a river.
I don't for how long I was crying until I felt soft, small arms wrap around me.

I looked up and saw her smiling at me with the cutest and most comforting smile I have ever seen.

*Jade!* I screamed hugging her back. I nuzzled my head in her neck while my arms are around her waist, her arms around my neck.

After staying like this for a while, I looked up and saw her still staring lovingly at me.

*Jade please don't-* She cuts me off. *I won't don't worry, im sorry I love you so much* She cried.
It was my turn to shush her.

*Shhh don't say sorry.* She shook her head 'no'

*I want you to know how much I love you, im sorry, im sorry, im sorry dammit, I Love you so much that I can't bring myself to let you go. So please go while you still can. You need freedom from me. I locked you up in my heart but I don't know where the key is. I've found the key and unlocked it. So please run. Run!* She screamed through tears.

*No! No! No!* I hugged her tighter. *Please.....* She said her arms falling. I pulled away and her eyes was closed.

*Jade?* I shook her. No response. *Jadeyyy?* I panicked and immediatly called for an ambulance.

In the hospital:

*Perrie!* I heard Norma scream. I hugged and cried in her embrace.

She was just like Jade. The Thirlwall's have really soft and warming embrace.

*How is she?* Norma asked.
*Luckily she's alright she just passed out due to lack of sleep and a big amount of stress.*She sighed.

*Thank god, how are you by the way?* She asked. *Im good, it's just im worried for the scars in her arms.* I said rubbing the back of my neck.

*Scars? what do you mean- oh! your'e saying she-* She covered her mouth in shock. I just nodded in response. *That stupid girl* She said hugging me. *Can I see her?* She asked *Sure*

We went inside the room and we just talked and talked.


*I'll see you later Perrie update me when she wakes up.* nod in response.
It's been an hour since we got here.

Shit I forgot about Leigh and Jesy.

*Finally!* Leigh said. *where are you? is she okay?* She asked worriedly. *She's fine can you and Jesy come at the hospital?* I asked.*Hospital I thought- okai fine yeh we'll go.* She sighed in defeat.

Once we hanged up, a nurse went out of Jade's room.

After about 15 minutes Leigh and Jesy rushed in. We hugged and sat with coffee in our hands. *Thanks for the coffee I really needed it.* I sipped my coffee. *No problem so what happened?* Jesy asked.

*She's fine she just passed out due to lack of sleep and stress.* I said sipping my coffee again. *Other than that she's okay right?* Leigh asked*Uhm about that uhm...* I scratched the back of my neck. *Perrie what are you not telling us?* *It's seriously nothing he just has battle scars**Battle scars what do you- She what?!* Jesy asked.

*No shh I don't understand what do you mean battle scars?* Leigh asked, confused. *Oh you mean oh I never thought-* *Can we see her?* Jesy asked. 

I just nodded in response.

After an hour and two they left. It was now 11:32 pm.

I sat on the chair next to Jade. *I miss you....I want you to know that i love you so so much. I know now that I can never live without you. Even if the gate is open, i'll never leave you. Your my soulmate Jade so stop pushing me away. Please I love you too much. I love you so much I can't stop saying because im not sure you know how much i love you.* I closed my eyes as tears fell down.

I opened my eyes and looked back at her. In my surprise my favorite pair of chocolate brown eyes were staring right back at me.

*Jade?* I asked thinking I was hallucinating.

She sat up and leant in, our lips inches away. *Can I kiss you?* She asked. She didn't have to. I pulled by her neck and kissed her passionately.

Once air was needed we pulled away and rested our foreheads on each other.'s

*I love you Jade* I said as tears fell down.*I love you too are you sure you wanna love me?* She asked pulling away. *Im more than sure love.* I said earning a cute small smile from her.

*Go to-* I was cut off by her cute yawn, seriously one of the cutest things I have ever seen.

She patted the place in front of her before she scooted back. I smiled at laid right in front. As soon as I got comfortable, she wrapped her arms around my waist while burying her face to my chest.

I smiled at placed my head on her neck while my arms made they're way around her small waist. I closed my eyes and before I could say 'I love you' I fell asleep.


EEEEK! they're back together ya'll! this book is almost finished!
(933 Words)
Fromyourweirdwriter: Ash.❤️

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