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Leigh's Pov:

It was me and jesy's break. We were at the back eating while chatting. It was currently 11:45 amMy phone started ringing, curious as to who was calling her at this time.

I smiled seeing Norma's face on the screen.*Hey!* I said biting my sand which.

Author's POv:

Jesy was just staring at her friend who was on the phone. *Leigh! Where's Jade?! do you know where she is?!* Norma asked, on panic mode. *Uh she's at her and Perrie's house eh? what's gong on mom?* Leigh asked. Jesy snapped her fingers making the afro girl's head turn to her.Jesy gave her a confused look as Norma answered.*Haven't you seen it?!* She asked louder.*stop shouting what are you talking about?* She asked mouthing 'idk'

 *The video Jade uploaded, Here* Norma said.*Promise me once you've watched that run to Jade as fast as you can* Norma said sternly.

*I promise* she said before hanging up.

After Leigh and Jesy watched the video. They were crying they're eyes out. They rushed to the car and Leigh drove to Jade's house. Jesy in the other hand was calling Perrie.

Perrie's Pov:

I was sitting on the couch watching netflix when my phone rang.

*Hello?* I answered*Perrie!* Jesy shouted, I heard her sniffling too.

*Jesy? what's going on are you alright? why are you cry-* I was cut off by Jesy. *It's Jade!* She screamed. I held back an eye roll to the mention of her name.*What does he want now?* I asked harshly.*Please Perrie, Book a flight back here then watch the video on the plane.*
*What no! I just got here* I stated facts to her. *Please! start packing now! Please!* I started to get just a little bit nervous.

The fact is, Jesy never begs that's one thing she despise. I got up and sighed gathering all my clothes and other stuff. *Please come as fast as you can, please Perrie....she loves you* Jesy said before hanging up.

She loves you...? She showered quickly and took the flight back.

Jade's Pov:

It was now 12:pm. It's been two hour since I posted the video. It got over millions of views in my youtube channel.

I got up and drank some water. I knew they would find me soon so I grabbed the things I needed and went to my car and drove off.I headed to the beach. The beach was my favorite place, It was calming and it also reminded me of Perrie's blue eyes. I was gonna go somewhere else but then I thought I might change my mind here. The beach is where I go to help me away from my thoughts. I didn't want to die yet. But I knew she'll be happy she got her freedom. Im unleashing her, she's grown up now.

Perrie's Pov:

I was now on the plane back home.

The question still lingered on my mind. She loves you... Who does? Is it Jade? Why did she say that? I she leaving? Where is she going? I had a lot of questions.

I opened my laptop and saw that Jesy sent me a DM.
I opened it,  and it was a link. Curious, I pressed it and it led me to a youtube video. Not just any youtube video it was Jade's the title was 'I love you, but you need freedom' I saw there was millions of views.

 I gasped. Wow Millions.

I pressed the video and put the volume higher.


After watching the video, I was sobbing my heart out. A lot of people were staring at me but I didn't give a shit. Jade was the only thing on my mind.

 All our happy memories together.

Jade! Please Jade! Please.....y-your my soulmate don't leave me please.

It was now the 6th hour of the ride we were about to land. I watched the video just a few minutes ago. Once we landed I rushed off and grabbed my things. I found an uber to drive me back to or place.

You: Update me Jessica!

Jesminda: She's not her Pez She's not here!

You: What?! Where is she?!

Jesminda: I don't know she's missing!

You: Please....

Jesminda: It's okay we called the police they're on watch and looking for her.

I was crying so hard that I couldn't breathe I pulled the window down and gasped for air as soon as it hit me.

Author's Pov:

Leigh and Jesy arrived after 15 minutes. They banged and banged on the door until they couldn't handle it and broke the door open. They looked around seeing no signs of the brunette. They immediatly called the police. The police arrived saying that must have left.

Perrie's Pov:

It was now 2:55 pm. The traffic was really bad. I ran the rest of the ride. I arrived at their place, panting.I saw Jesy and Leigh talking to the police. When they saw me, we ran up to each other and hugged.

*News?* I asked hopefully. They both shook her heads and I felt the tears fall down.

Jade's Pov: It was now 5:54 pm. I've spent the last five and a half hour sitting and crying. I just an't bring myself to do it but I have to.I made a deal to myself. I'll call her first then i'll do it. I reached for my phone in my pocket, unlocked it and saw hundreds of missed calls. I looked through my contacts and found her number. I miss her so damn much, I wish she was here.

I was thinking twice now, what if she stops me? Sighing I pressed the call button.

Here we go.

Perrie's Pov:

 Me, Leigh and Jesy were at me and Jade's house talking to where Jade's could be.

I sighed as my phone rang.

Not even looking at the I.D, I answered it.

*Hello?* I asked frustratedly.*helloooo?* I asked again. 

*Hi?* I heard my lovers voice.

*Jade!* I screamed as tears came crashing down.

*Hi babe* Her soft voice.

*Where are you?! Are you okay? text me your location i'll come to you wait for me.* I said and grabbed my keys.

I was on my way out when someone grabbed my arm.*Where is she?* Leigh asked.*I don't know but she's alive thank god* they sighed.
*No need to come to me baba, I just wanted to her your voice one last time.* She chuckled, I heard her sniffling to.

She was crying.

*Speaker it!* Jesy said.

I placed it on the table and pressed speaker.

*Jade? please don't leave me* I sobbed. *Jade what about us?* Leigh asked through tears.
*I know that one day, you might not forget about me but you'll get over me and remember only our happy memories.* She was trying so hard not to sob.
*Please Jade, God why are you so selfish?!* Jesy screamed, running a hand through her hair.
*Perrie?* She asked.

*Yes babe im here what is it?* I asked wiping my tears away.

*Can you get me an ice cream? I want to see you, just you please?* She asked hopefully. We all looked at each other knowing this our chance.

*Yes of course tell me where yo are i'll drive to you.*

*I hope you find me soon, blue, sky, trees, stress.*  She said before hanging up.

*What?* Jesy asked.

*Blue, sky, trees, stress? what's that suppose to mean?* She asked, confused as to what it meant.

*Selfi-* I cut Jesy off.

*She's at the beach!, the water is blue, she loves the sky there, she loves a specific tree where we carved our names, and that's where she goes when she's stressed!.* I said remembering it.

 *Why the beach?* Jesy asked.

 *Because the air is fresh, and the water looks like my eyes, 'ocean blue eyes.....*
*Go!* Jesy and Leigh shouted.

Muahahahahahah, what a dramatic turn huh? been feelin' for a while now.  I hope they can ave Jade. 

(1292 Words)

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Fromyourweirdwriter: Ash

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