~Telling Mom~

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Jade's Pov:

I was wakened by the sound of my phone ringing. I tried to ignore it but it just kept on ringing and ringing.

*Ughhh!* I groaned standing up. I still don't know how Perrie is still asleep after that ringing.I picked up the phone.

*Jade Amelia Badwi Thirlwall!* I heard my mom shout through the phone. *What?!* I answered running a hand through my hair. *I've been calling you for more that three times now Thirlwall! Are you still asleep?!* She asked. *I just woke up mom* I sighed. *Well get up and make your precious girlfriend breakfast you lazy ass* She says making me roll my eyes.

*What do you want mom?* I asked thinking of going to the mall today.*Right uhmm can we meet up today?* She asked. *Uh yeh i'll ask Perrie, is something wrong?* I asked finally paying attention. *Oh nothing just wanna see how ya'll are doing.* She said. *Oh okay then bye mom love you* I said. *Bye pet* She said before hanging up.

*Did you tell her?* I heard Perrie's raspy morning voice. I turned around and saw her rubbing her eyes.

*Goodddd Morninggggg loveeee* I said pulling her by neck. *Good morning to you too, Princess.* She said rubbing my back.

I pulled away. *Breakfast?* I asked getting up. *Nooo don't leave please stay.* She pulled my shirt making me turn around and face those puppy eyes that im trying avoid. *Were gonna be late mom wants to see us* I said sitting down next to her. *Really? Is that why she called? What did she want to talk about?* She asked leaning her head on my shoulder. *I don't know she said she wanted to see how were doing?* I said more of like a question. *Okay then.* She said before standing up.


At breakfast we just talked while eating. We ate Perrie's special spaghetti


Perrie's Pov:

*Mom!* Jade shouted. *Jade!* Norma did the same hugging Jade. *Hi Perrie* Norma said hugging me. *Hi mum* I said hugging her back.

We were greeted by some waiter when we entered.

*Welcome to (You pick) Restaurant! How many seats?* The guy asked. *Three please* Jade answered giving him a cute smile.

Once we were seated, we started talking about random stuff. *So Perrie, how are you and Jade? Is she being a brat?* Norma chuckled *Mom!* Jade shouted folding her arm around her chest making me giggle. *She's doi-* I was interrupted by a waiter. *Hi! what can I get you?* He asked *Uhmm what do you want?* I asked looking over to Jade. *Well i'll have a pasta and salad what about you two?* Norma answered. *Uhmm i'll have a pasta* I said looking over at Jade. *You ma'am?* He asked eyeing Jade up and down making my blood boil. She soon noticed the action and blushed. *I'll have what she ordered* She smiled completely flustered. *Drinks?* He asked looking at Jade again. *We'll have some juice thank you* I answered catching his attetion. *Okay then, So you'll have three pasta, and one salad and for drinks Juice.* He aid writing everything down. *Is that it? Any thing for desert?* He asked.*Maybe later* Jade answered.

*You were saying?* Norma asked. *Oh uh Jade has been nothing but a princess, she bakes and makes dinner and give the best cuddles.* I smiled, my smile getting bigger when I saw Jade blushed.

I still have that effect on her. I loved making Jade blush she looks so cute when she blush. Wow she's really my fiancee now. Wait speaking of that.....

I looked over at Jade and she glanced back. I gave her the hint by tapping the table with my ring finger, at first she was confused but then got what I was trying to say.

*Oh uh mom....we have something to tell..* She said obviously nervous. *Huh? what is it?* She asked. *Me and Perrie are...* She started looking over at me. *You're....?* Norma asked eagerly. *We're engaged!*

Norma covered her mouth to muffle her scream which halfly worked. Water pooled in her eyes, mouth still covered by her hand.

*Are you serious?! Wheres the ring? I don't see it.* She asked inspecting my finger.

I shook ny head and said. *No mom I proposed to her. It was unexpected so there was no ring. And I still have a surprise for her well not anymow since she already knows now* I said smiling happily.

*Does anyone else know?* She asked wiping the tears away. *No just you we haven't told anyone yet* I answered.

*Wow...just wow your enganged!* She said smiling happily at us.
*We are* Jade said happily, hugging me.

*Im so excited when's the wedding?* She asked. We looked at eachother and said *We haven't gotten to that part yet mom but we're getting there* Jade said rubbing the back of her neck. *Our step one would be buying each other a ring* I chuckled. *No of course there's no rush at all take all the time you need* Norma said.

*Ma'am?* We all looked at the person who was our waiter. *Here's your food* He said handing Jade's hers.

*Thank you* We all said. As he walked away her turned around. *Uh ma'am?* He asked. *Yes?* Jade answered. *C-can I get your number?* He asked nervously. *Sorry to dissapoint you but they're enganged* Norma smiled politely with a bit or sarcasm.

*Oh! S-sorry that was un professional* He stuttered away.

In your face bitch! I chuckled at my own thoughts.


After dinner:

*Im so happy I met with you today* Norma said huggibg us both. *Us too mom* Jade said. *Well i'll see you again, text me if Jade's being a boss i'll take her down* Norma said looking at me. *Sure will ma'am* I laughed while Jade jokingly punched my arm but soon laughed with me.
*Well i'll see you two again. Seriously talk me if your having trouble or doubts. I love you both, congratulations. My daughters are getting married.* She said wiping her eyes. *Go now mom you'll just start sobbing if you stay* Jade said hugging her mom one more time.

*Okay bye my sweet angel and to you too darling see you again* She said waving.

We both waved back while holding eachother.

*I wonder how tommorrow will be* Jade said as rain started pouring down.

We both shrieked and ran back to the restaurant.

*It's pouring* Jade pouted. *What are we gonna do?* She asked. *Well wanna walk?* I suggested *walk?! In this?* She pointed to the pouring rain. *It'll be fun* I said putting my puppy eyes out that I know she cant resist.
*Fine* She said. She giggled as I jumped and pulled her out of the roof.

We walked around while rain was pouring. Some stared at us like we were some pyscho people.

We eventually arrived home soaking wet.

After we shower we both cuddled in to bed before drifting to sleep.

I wonder how tommorrow will be.

Agh! Finally! I couldn't write because of stupid ass being lazy af✨ im sorry ya'll but im back and im writing this in 5% battery. So....see ya!

Don't forget to follow me;)
(1215 words)
Fromyourweirdwriter: Ash

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