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Perrie's Pov:

We got home sometime near 11pm. We ended up eating at a restaurant because we didn't feel like cooking.

Jade fell asleep in my arms in the car.
Jesy and Leigh already went in and left me to wake up Jade.

*Jade babe? were home baba?* I asked. No response.
*Jade baba you need to wake up now..* I shaked her.
*Jade wake up!* I shouted, and still no response.
She left me with no choice.

I twisted the cap off the water bottle off. I hesitated for a moment.
I then squished it making the water spurt at Jade's face.

She jumped. *What the hell?!* She asked angrily.
*Sorry I had no choice* I said looking down. 
*Ugh damn you and your cute face.* She said grabbing my wrists.
I smiled at her making her smile to.
*Nerd* I heard her whisper *Soft* I said loudly making her jump and look at me.
*What did you say?* She asked *Oh nothing* I said trying to hide my smile.

She looked away then, swept me off my feet. Catching me off gaurd, she carried me bridal style. Making me squeal.

We went to the living room but before Jade could plop down the couch I shouted

*No no no, Get your clothes off. And shower. Now.* I said firmly

She then started stripping.

*What do you think your doing?* I asked, covering her with a pillow.

*Well, you told me to take off my clothes* She shrugged, like it's nothing.
She started to unbutton her jeans.

*Uh-uh no in the shower.* I said pointing at the door.
She looked at me then sighed and showered.

When Jade got out, I was in Jesy and Leigh's room. Their both still awake.
I used their bathroom since Jade was using ours and I couldn't wait for her I was tired.

Jade went inside the room. She found Leigh and Jesy staring at me up and down.

Jesy then stood up behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist.
She then started to leave some love kisses on ny neck. Before she could even look up at me. Jade went through the door.

*What do you think your doing?!* Jade asked pulling me away, placing me behind her.
*What?* Jesy said looking at her nails.
Jade scoffed and before she could even say anything, Me, Leigh and Jesy bursted out laughing.

*Sorry I-* Jesy started and the rest was stopped by her laugh.
*Why are you-* Realization took over Jade *oh* She said, Making us laugh harder.
She started to giggle with us, then started laughing.

After a few minutes. I stood up, Pulling Jade up and pointing her to the door. I said my goodnight's to the two and head to where Jade was.


Perrie's Pov:

I woke up with Jade beside me laying in her stomach, legs spread wide open.

I stood up and went to the kitchen and saw Leigh at the couch watching with Jesy.

*Hey babes* Jesy said looking at me and back to the t.v
*Hey* I said back
*What will you do if I said I wanted to propose?* I asked.

Their jaws hanged open, Looking at me with wide eyes.

*What- are you serious?* Jesy asked.
*What it just crossed my mine, I wanna make Jade my wife.* I smile at the thought of Jade walking down the isle.

*Well its would be awesome, and we'll help you plan it.* Leigh shrugged.
*Well I would like that plan* I heard Jade say, in the corner.
*Oh hi there beautiful* I say as she walks forward to me.
*First ew and gross, second take your lovey lovey selves away from us.* Jesy said while Leigh makes gag noises.
We both rolled our eyes and continued.


Jade's Pov:

*Okay i'll see you later, bye* I heard Perrie say.
*Please can I come* I insisted
*No need, the traffics bad at this hour and it's dark and rainy so it wont be best if you came.* She said
*But-* She cut me off
*No buts beb i go to go, See you later.
I love you* She said kissing my lips.
I smiled and frowned when she went to leave.
*I can see you frown, cheer up i'll be back soon.* She said and slipped back out again. I smiled at her

God i love this girl. I thought to myself.

After im guessing 2 nearly 3 hours now, Perrie still wasnt home, I called her cell. No answer. Her mom. No answer. Jesy and Leigh. Still no answer.

I started to get nervous and overthank the situation.

What if she got hit? What if she got lost?.....what if her car broke down?....what if she's not alright?...
Too many what if's crossed my mind.
I shook my head wanting it to fall off.

I called her cell one more time.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

After three rings she answered the phone.

*Hey babe* She said. I sighed knowing shes alright and safe.
*Hey you okai?* She asked in concern.
I smiled and replied *Im good babe just wanna make sure your okai* I could feel her smile growing through the camera.
*well im alive if you thought im dead, well im not my phone actually died and I had to charge it in the car with this pouring rain.* I giggled.
*Do you miss me already?* She asked.
*Yes, I miss you so much baba* I said pouting.
*You do know that I can feel you pouting right now?* She said making me giggle a bit.
*Well cheer up because-* She was cut offed by glass shattering...metal and stuff, it was like she was hit....

Everything went silent.

Oop lol sorry to do that to all of you.
Thankyou again for being patient with me.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter.🤗
(1000 words)
From you weird writer: Ash.💖

Insta: Mysterious_stalker312

Edit: Eeekk thankyou for 165 readerssss, I really apreciate it.

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