~We'll Be Fine~

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oh im sorry im-* delihlah said then she looked up and saw-

*OMG JADE?!* delihlah shouted

*OMG DELIHLAH?!  IT'S REALLY YOU OMG* jade shouted back,as for the others they were confused.

*Yk each other?* Perrie asked them,
They both shouted loudly and answered  *YESSS!!!* perrie smiled and said
*well its nice to meet you uhm..delihlah?* She said

Delihlah answered and said *yes. Its also a pleasure to me meet you perrie* delihlah smiled at everyone but then

zayn came up and shocked everyone when he said *hey babe who's-* and he stopped and was shocked to see her ex-fiancee

*wait...Zayn is DELIHLAH'S NEW
Perrie asked and everyone was ready to hear him answer and he said softly *uhm...yes* and delihlah said *omg i never knew he was getting married if i knew i wou-* jade stopped her and said *ik you would have left him if you knew he was married you never get involved w anyone w a wife or a gf *

It  was really akward.Nobody was talking.Jade and Perrie sat next to eachother.jade slowly puts her hands in Perrie's.Perrie looked at Jade...Jade seem to notice that Perrie was getting uncomfortable in the situation...seeing her ex-fiancee who was her whole world for years.Perrie tried her best not to cry.

Perrie's Pov:

Jade slowly reached for my hands as she whisper in my ear *it's okai im here babe*

Jade looked deep in my eyes,I gave her the same gaze she gave me...her chocolatey eyes....was filled with...color...comfort....

I almost forgot that Zayn was still here.I stared into her eyes as somebody clears their throath.
It was jesy.

We both look away,But her hands were still in my lap.I look around as I see that zayn was eyeing somebody.He was eyeing JADE.
I almost lose control but i knew that wouldn't be great.

I clear throath as i look over Zayn and Delihlah.They looked like a cute couple.

*So wheb did you start dating?* I ask

*Well uhm-..we just kinda...started and uh yeh*Delihlah says as she reach out for Zayn's hand.

*Where did you meet?,how?,when?.*
I ask again trying to get more information.

*Look here....you don't get to play the good guy here...you don't get to ask tjose kind of questions cause thats our relationship.It's none of your business.* He say as he stood up.

Wth is wrong w this guy.

Jade squezeed Zayn's wrist tight  before they can even walk out,jade punched Zayn right in the face.He fell straight to the ground.He held his bleeding face.He grabbed Jade in her ankle and pulled her,Which made jade slip.She fell hard on the floor.

Me,Niall and Harry ran straight to her before the others.

*Omg! Are you okay jade?...jade?..*
Harry asks.

I push Zayn and shout at him. * Why the hell would you do that to a girl you jerk.* I finally snap.

*What?! How is this my fault?! She punched me first.she Started it.* He says.

*Well if you hadn't act like a true jerk,she wouldn't have punched you.*
Niall says.

Delihlah immedietly runs to Jade leaving Zayn shocked.

*Even you?!*He shouts

*We had more than ten years of friendship Zayn.10 Freaking years.*
She says.

Jade was unconsuices on the floor.

Harry carried her back to the van.Her head was on Harry's  lap which made me angry...but I didn't really care im just worried about jade.

We got home and jade finally woke up.She said she was alright but I didn't believe her.She sat down on couch and asked if you watch a movie.We all agreed its the least we can do for Jade.


It was late at night.perrie and jade were watching a movie. it just finished. therye cleanig up.they heard a knock.

*knock! knock! knock! knock!*

jade opened he door.

A girl was there. she hugged jade  as tight as she could and said *oh ur okai you scared me it's late.*everyone was confused.perrie pulled jade away and putted her behind her back and asks *who r you? what do you want? how do you know where we live? how do you know jade?*

*Well....First im Emily and hi...U cam here to bring my gf home...* Emily says that left everyone shocked  and she said *This is my gf's house and I didn't know there were guests....

and jade is my gf*

everyone was shocked and they all looked at jade.

*oh god okai im lemme explaine* jade said .

*What no.Lets just go home babe* emily said ,when Emily said "babe" She felt a glare on her shoulders. Perrie glared at her then Perrie said *No. let her explaine*

so jade explained. she told everyone that yes emily was her gf. that shocked everyone even more. she also said that she told emily she'll be spending the day w her friends.*why didnt you tell us sooner?!* perrie asked while jade answered *well i was waiting for the right time* and jesy said * jade...* *whattt i waited for the right time* jade said *okai i dont want you all to fight im just here to take my jadey home so bye* emily said then she pulled jade and they walked out the door but perrie held jade's hand and she wouldn't let go. emily said *what do you want???* she said annoyed perrie answered and said *sleep here.* emily answered back and said *what?!*  perrie said *sleep here an we'll talk more in the morning. in fact we al have seperate rooms* emily answered and said *well fine if we have seperate rooms* they all went to their rooms. emily fell asleep while her arms were in jade body.she was hugging her.


they ere all awake and they all decided to look at jade and her gf. they slightly and slowly opened the door. they saw jade and emily hugging eachother. they face eachother and was hugging eachother. emily was smaller. her head was in jade's up and that would make it that emily can hear jade's heartbeat.perrie walked out and ran downstairs and jesy said *pez....* they all looked at her and perrie said *you know i-...i-..she used to do that to me when zayn's not home she'll sleep w me in my room cuz she doesn't want me to be alone then she'll smile when she hears my heartbeat. but she knew that it didnt beat for but she still didn't let go.so theres no way im letting go i'll win her back* jesy smiled and said *yes that's the spirit pez* so leigh decided to wake up jade for breakfast. *jadeeee!* leigh shouted that woke up emily and emily waked up jade. they both went downstairs and jade said *heyy.morning!* while smiling at perrie. perrie smiled back and emily saw it so she held jade's hand so perrie could see.they ate breakfast.They had to go back home and feed their puppies. jJade walked her out the door and kissed her goodbye *so its really real huh?* perrie softly asked while jade answered *yeh igs* .everyone went upstairs while jade and perrie were left downstairs. *how hey doing jesy asked while harry answered *not good....* jesy looked back and said *what do you mean?* and harry answered  *well is playing music while staring at eachother while they clean okai?* jesy sighed as she say *i hope they get better than that, we used to be bestfriends yk?* one-d nodded.they all did. perrie sighed and said*jade you were my girl yk? you were my girl atleast you were* jade cried and said *i still pez, i still am* she hugged perrie and they both cried  *just bc i have a gf that doesn't mean we can't be friends you had a bf i was still there, it'll be fine* they both smiled

Part five End.

Hi guys! So i started editing everytjing but then i got tired so the ending isn't edited anymore so i hope you won't mind.Have a great day!

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