Ch. VIII: Hammerlocke

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Yawning, Y/N woke up from his sleep and stretched when he stood up, ready to tackle another day. Though, truth be told, he didn't have any solid plans for today. It was the weekend, so he thought he could use the day to relax and take a break from all the training, he just didn't know what to do specifically.

"Oh well, I'll just think about it later on, I guess," he thought to himself as he headed for his room's door.

However, before his hand could make contact with the doorknob, the door opened before him. As he saw the person standing in front of him, memories of yesterday's events rushed to his mind, causing blood to rush to his face.

He raised up one of his arms and waved awkwardly while attempting to greet his rival, "G-Good m-morni-"

"D-Downstairs. B-Breakfast," was all Klara said while trying desperately to suppress the blush on her face, failing to do so, of course.

Klara didn't even give Y/N a chance to respond as she hurriedly walked away and went downstairs.

"What an interesting way to start the morning," Y/N muttered under his breath.

He took a deep breath and proceeded to follow Klara downstairs and eat breakfast. As he went down, most of his fellow students and mentors greeted him. As faith would have it, the only vacant chair was the chair across from Klara's.


Breakfast was a relatively quiet, and almost awkward, time. The only sounds that were audible for most of the time were the clacking and clinking of plates and silverware. Of course, the two rivals in the room exchanged glances at each other every once in a while. Both of them just couldn't seem to forget what happened yesterday. It felt like an eternity for both of them, but they eventually finished eating breakfast. Klara went outside first while Y/N stayed in the kitchen to help around with chores and such. After that, Y/N went outside for fresh air, and maybe take a walk.

"What to do, what to do?" he contemplated while pacing around outside the dojo.

While thinking about what he'd do for today, his eyes landed on the Armor Station.

"It's been a while since I've visited main land Galar. Why not?"

Walking over to the station, Y/N double-checked and made sure he had all the things he needed for the trip. As soon as he walked into the building, he locked eyes with Klara, who was sitting in the station presumably waiting for a Corviknight taxi to arrive. Both of them understandably had a shocked expression, but Klara's face looked a bit more annoyed.

"What are you doing here?" Klara inquired, her voice matching her annoyed facial expression.

"I just wanted to go visit the towns at mainland Galar!"

Klara sighed before turning her attention back to her phone. Y/N didn't exactly know what to do now, so he just kind of awkwardly sat next to Klara. An awkward silence and atmosphere took over the room as both of them just stood there in silence, waiting for the taxi to arrive.

"Say, um, when does the next taxi arrive?" Y/N asked as an attempt to start a conversation and break the silence.

No response came from Klara.

"Really?" he thought to himself as he sighed.

"I could've walked back to the dojo on my own. I didn't need your help," Klara mumbled after a few minutes of silence.

"No, I'm pretty sure you were on the brink of collapsing."

"Tch," she scoffed.

"Hey, pushing yourself is a good thing sometimes, but it isn't when you've exhausted yourself so much to the point where you'd collapse."

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