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"Thanks for waiting! Your team should be all better now!" the lady behind the counter said as she handed Y/N his Pokemon.

"Thank you!" Y/N replied as he stored his Pokeballs.

"By the way, I heard that someone at Wedgehurt Station is selling Armor Passes."

"Armor Passes?" Y/N asked.

"You'll need one if you want to board the train to the Isle of Armor."

"Isle of Armor?" Y/N asked again.

"Not much is known about it, but I heard some people go there to train at the dojo located on the island," she replied.

"Sounds interesting, maybe I'll go check it out. Thanks again!" Y/N said before he started to head for the exit.

The nurse only waved goodbye to the trainer as he left the Pokecenter. Y/N walked around the city, wondering about the place he just heard about, the Isle of Armor. Eventually, he started thinking about what other stuff the island had to offer.

"Maybe the person selling the tickets has more information," he thought to himself.

Since he had nothing better to do, he decided to take a Flying Taxi to Wedgehurst and ask for information regarding the Isle of Armor. After the flight, Y/N arrived at the town. The lad greeted the locals before heading to the station.

As if on cue, Y/N heard someone announce, "The train to the Isle of Armor has arrived. Those with an Armor Pass, please board the train," immediately after he walked into the building.

However, before Y/N could approach the man, a girl that looked about his age reached him first. The mysterious lady had pink hair, and her attire consisted of a white bow, a white fur coat, a dark purple and green uniform, knee-length stockings of the same color as her aforementioned uniform, and white shoes.

"Do you have an Armor Pass?" the man asked her.

The gal giggled and replied, "Of course! I totally have one!"

"Please allow me to check your pass."

While the fellow was checking her pass, a Slowpoke walked out of the train. However, this Slowpoke looked different from the ones that Hop told him about when he was researching the Kanto region. He walked closer towards the Slowpoke to inspect it further.

"Oh, a Slowpoke!" the mysterious lady exclaimed.

"Uh-oh, looks like another one's gotten on the train and ridden over from the Isle of Armor," said the fellow.

"Does this happen often?" Y/N asked him with a curious expression while pointing at the Pokemon.

"Yes, strangely enough. There's a lot of Slowpoke living on the Isle of Armor. Not sure if they feel like travelling or what, but sometimes a few board the train," he answered.

"This Slowpoke doesn't look like the ones I'm familiar with."

The girl looked at Y/N and asked, "Is this the first time you've seen a Galarian Slowpoke?"

Y/N responded with a nod.

She giggled before saying, "They're fairly common at the Isle of Armor."

Before Y/N could reply, the guy checking her ticket interrupted their conversation by asking Y/N, "You're a Pokemon Trainer, right?"

Once again, Y/N responded with a nod.

"If Slowpoke blocks the ticket gate, it'll cause trouble for other customers. Slowpoke are actually pretty heavy, so I can't carry him myself. Do you think you could catch it for me?"

"Sure," Y/N said enthusiastically as he took out the Pokeball that contained his Starter Pokemon.

Y/N threw the Pokeball onto the ground, causing his Pokemon to materialize in front of the Slowpoke. Both Pokemon took a stance, preparing for the battle. Y/N's Pokemon went first, and tried attacking the Slowpoke using an attack that matched its own type. Surprisingly, the Slowpoke dodged the attack and countered with Confusion. The attack landed, causing Y/N's Pokemon to stumble back a bit. However, the Slowpoke didn't notice Y/N throwing a Pokeball at it. The sphere opened and surrounded the Slowpoke with a crimson aura. It landed on the ground and twitched a few times before it made a sound similar to that of a click.

"That was surprisingly easy," Y/N said as he picked up the Pokeball.

"Thanks much! Slowpoke can be a big trouble to move sometimes."

Before Y/N could respond, the mysterious lady complimented him, "Wow! Amazing! The way you caught that Slowpoke was the absolute coolest."

Unsurprisingly, Y/N didn't get a chance to reply as the man announced, "We apologize for the wait. We have checked your Armor Pass. All aboard the train to the Isle of Armor. Mind your step when boarding. Please be aware that there will be a connection along the way."

"Okay," the lady replied.

The man walked back to his original spot, leaving Y/N and the lady alone. 

She faced him again and said, "I'm heading to a place called the Isle of Armor. I'm gonna catch some rare Pokemon and do some training. Let's hang if we meet up again, 'K?"

The sudden question caught Y/N by surprise, causing him to stumble with his response. 

"Oh, um, sure!" he responded with a slight stutter.

She giggled before saying, "Bye-bye, then! See ya!"

After their little interaction, she waved him goodbye and boarded the train. Y/N stood there as the train left the station. It took him a moment to realize that he didn't get her name.

"Wait, I didn't get her name," He thought to himself.

It took him another moment to remember why he was even here in the first place.

"Oh yeah, Information!"

He approached the fellow from before and asked him, "May I ask for information regarding the Isle of Armor?"

"Sure! That is my job after all. The Isle of Armor offers a lot of things. The island is full of Pokemon that you wont be able to find normally here in mainland Galar. There's also a dojo where people train to become stronger."

Y/N thought about the offer. The idea of a new island to explore and new Pokemon to catch intrigued him. 

"How much is an Armor Pass?"

"Only 5,000 Pokedollars."

Y/N thought about it more. He had enough money, and he did want to explore a new island with new Pokemon. He decided to go, since it sounded like a fun adventure and experience. Though, he wanted to buy a Pass scheduled for next week, just in case he would change his mind.

"May I buy a Pass for next week?"

"Will do!"

The fellow handed Y/N a Pass, and Y/N handed him 5,000 Pokedollars.

"Thank you!" Y/N said as he walked out of the station, waving at the man.

"I hope it's worth it," Y/N thought as he walked home to visit his mom and pack his things for the new journey ahead.

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