Ch. I: Newbie

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"Oh! You're the trainer from last week," the fellow said as Y/N gave him his Armor Pass.

"Yup! That'd be me."

"Your Armor Pass checks out. All aboard the train to the Isle of Armor. Mind your step when boarding. Please be aware that there will be a connection along the way."

Y/N entered the vehicle and waved the man goodbye before thanking him. As the doors closed behind him, the staff helped him with his luggage, which consisted of three large bags. After his stuff was sorted out, he took a seat that was beside a window. The train started moving after a few minutes. For most of ride, Y/N spent most of his time peering out the train's window, admiring the Galar region. However, it wasn't long before he got drowsy and decided to take a short nap.


Y/N's slumber was interrupted rather abruptly when the train stopped, indicating that the train has arrived at his desired location. He walked out of the train while carrying his luggage and examined the area. It looked like a normal station, but it had Flying Taxis instead of the usual trains. Some staff assisted him and carried his luggage to one of the Flying Taxis. He boarded the Flying Taxi and thanked the personnel before closing the door. Since the island looked near and Flying Taxis were known for being fast, he decided that a nap wouldn't be worth it. Once again, the view looked marvelous. He even noticed several Pokemon leaping out of the beautiful, blue water.

Y/N's little trance was broken when the Taxi Driver asked, "You going to the Isle of Armor for a vacation?"

"Something like that, but I'm also planning to do some training, exploring, and adventuring."

"Are you planning to train in the dojo?"

Y/N thought about the question for a bit before replying, "Perhaps, but I still don't know much about it."

"All I know is that trainers go there to hone their skills and that the guy running the place used to be Galar's Champion."

"Wait, the same guy who retired and trained Leon?"

"I think so."

"Huh, neat. Thanks for the information."

"No problem."

After their conversation, both of them went back to minding their own business, which resulted in the remainder of the ride being spent in an awkward silence. It wasn't long before Y/N finally reached his destination, the Isle of Armor. He took his baggage and waved at the chauffeur as a sign of thanks before he walked further into the station that was located beside the beach.

After he took a few more steps into the building, a person, who looked like a scientist, approached and asked him, "Is this your first visit to the Isle of Armor, trainer?"

"Yes, yes it is," he responded.

"Excuse my sudden intrusion, but I'm researching Pokemon biology here on this island, and I've been assigned to update the Pokedex of any trainer who wishes to capture the Pokemon located here. Would you mind if I update your Pokedex?"

"Oh, not at all," he answered as he took out his Pokedex and handed it to the woman.

To Y/N's surprise, the process was relatively quick and simple.

She gave the Pokedex back to him and told him, "When you've caught a lot of Pokemon on the Isle of Armor, come back and show me your Pokedex."

"Will do! Thank you!" Y/N replied.

He was about to leave the building and explore when, all of a sudden, a man in a light blue polo shirt hastily grabbed his arm and pulled him aside. Y/N, like any normal person, was understandably alarmed. He was about to push the stranger away, but before he could, the guy suddenly held both of Y/N's shoulders.

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