Ch. VI: Advice

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Both trainers took a stance as they took out their Pokeballs. They couldn't help but smile and snicker due to the excitement.

"Go, Slowpoke!" Klara yelled as she released her Galarian Slowpoke.

Y/N responded by releasing a Pokemon of his own. Both creatures cried out, taking a stance to prepare for the battle.

"Let's set the record straight right here. I'll show you once and for all that I'm the better trainer!" Klara yelled with confidence.

"There's no doubt that you're a good trainer, Klara, but I wouldn't say you're the best either," Y/N retorted with a smirk.

An unamused and almost frustrated look appeared on Klara's face before she sighed and yelled, "Slowpoke, use Zen Headbutt!"

Obeying its trainer's command, the Slowpoke's head glowed as it charged at Y/N's Pokemon. Due to the Slowpoke's surprising speed, Y/N's Pokemon had barely managed to avoid the attack. Though, his Pokemon wasn't clear from danger yet, as evidenced by the Slowpoke immediately going for a Surf attack. Unfortunately, Y/N's Pokemon didn't manage to evade the attack this time.

"Huh, good one," Y/N said before commanding his Pokemon to attack the Slowpoke.

The Slowpoke managed to dodge its enemy's attack, but didn't manage to dodge the counter that came after it. The Slowpoke was pushed back by the attack, and now both Pokemon were staring each other down. Both competitors were tired and heavily damaged, and the trainers honestly couldn't tell who would win.


Klara's Slowpoke immediately performed an Acid attack, which successfully hit its target. However, Y/N's Pokemon swiftly attacked her Slowpoke, causing the dopey Pokemon to faint. She groaned in frustration as she took out Slowpoke's Pokeball and withdrew her aforementioned Slowpoke.

"Scolipede, your turn!" she roared.

She threw a Pokeball and, while it was in the middle of the air, the sphere opened up and released Klara's next Pokemon, her Scolipede.

"Venoshock now!" Y/N's opponent commanded without hesitation.

Also without hesitation, her Scolipede rapidly fired several streams of purple, evidently poisonous liquid at its opponent. The attack caught both Y/N and his Pokemon by surprise since Klara's Scolipede seemed to have improved by a large margin since their last battle. Y/N's Pokemon managed to dodge the first few streams of the liquid, but was overwhelmed by the attack's speed and quantity. Due to the Slowpoke's Acid attack that poisoned his Pokemon, the Scolipede's Venoshock attack had caused a significant amount of damage. With a cry of defeat, the Scolipede's opponent fainted.

"Wow, that was a really nice set up with Acid," Y/N commended as he withdrew his fallen Pocket Monster.

"Why, thank you," Klara replied, giving Y/N a slight bow.

Both trainers shared a little giggle at their little interaction before Y/N released his next Pokemon, which was the same Pokemon that battled with Klara's Scolipede during their last match. As Y/N's Pokemon set foot on the battlefield, a familiar worried look appeared on Klara and her Pokemon's face. Now it was Y/N's turn to go first. With a shout and a command, his Pokemon didn't hesitate to try to hit its opponent with a super effective move. Luckily enough, Klara's Pokemon had an above average speed stat, so it managed to dodge the attack. 

"Poison Tail!"

The centipede-like Pokemon obeyed its trainer's instruction and countered with a Poison Tail attack. The move successfully landed on its target, which caused Y/N's Pokemon to stumble back a bit. The Scolipede's opponent, Y/N's Pokemon, retaliated with the same super effective attack from before, and it landed this time. Unsurprisingly, the move caused a great amount of damage to Klara's Pokemon.

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