A Moment Apart

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George woke up the same as yesterday- he turned off his alarm and hopped in the shower and got ready for school like usual. When he got out of the shower he got dressed and went downstairs, he found his mum asleep at her desk with her laptop still out.

George quietly walked in the room and shut the laptop, he lightly tapped on his mum's shoulder.

"Mum" He whispered, his mum slowly lifted her head up from her arms and look at George confused.

"What time is it?" She asked in a groggy voice.

"It's like seven am, you fell asleep working again- you promised you would stop this" George went on to say.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry baby I really am. I didn't plan on this happening i guess i just passed out- i had finished my work i guess i just didn't make it upstairs" George's mum frowned, George hugged her.

"It's okay, since you're off today why don't you go upstairs and sleep. Don't forget i'll be home later again" George helped his mom up and pushed in her chair for her.

His mom was his solace, his solace and his best-friend no matter what. Before they lived to America times were tough and at times George felt like all the had was his mum but, now he has Dream- also Bad and Sapnap. George's mom hugged George and then went upstairs to bed- George felt his phone buzz, it was Dream.

Dreamy :]
your bestfriend has arrived :D

oh? Bads here?

Dreamy :]
no, i'm your bestfriend >:( now get your short self out here loser!

George laughed as he shoved his phone into his trousers pocket and picked up his bag and threw it over his shoulder. He walked out the door and locked it behind him before running over to Dream's car and getting in. When he got in and buckled up he was greeted with a warm, wide smile.

"What's that face for?" George snickered

"What face?" Dream asked, confused.

"That face" George motioned to Dream's face by drawing a circle in the air with his finger while laughing, Dream just rolled his eyes and started to pull out of George's drive way, however a smile was tugging at the corners of his lips. When they got to the he school Dream walked George to his first class.

"I'll see you at lunch okay" George was about to walk away into his class when he felt a hand tug on his backpack, Dream smiled fondly.

"Okay" George was smiling just as fondly back at Dream.  Dream gave George a hug- he tugged on the smaller boys backpack and placed his hands on his waist to turn him around and bring him into a hug. George was startled at first but it didn't take him long to reciprocate the hug, after George pulled away from the tight hug Dream ruffled his hair, smiled, then left to reach his class before the late bell. George noticed how people were staring at him but he just shook his head and took his seat at his desk.

The day went by just as it did yesterday- kinda slow kinda fast. When he got to lunch he saw Bad and made his way over to him.

"Hey Bad" George smiled

"Oh! Hey George!" Bad jumped up in excitement, George laughed.

"Where's Sapnap and Dream?" George asked

"Oh, they should be here soon, this happens sometimes don't worry" Bad gave a comforting smile that made George instantly believe every word that Bad just said. George took a seat across from Bad.

"So George i have a question-" Bad spoke carefully

"What's wrong?" George asked, concerned.

"Are you and Dream...you know" Bad put up two fingers and moved them apart then put them back together, he did this several times.

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