Broken Record

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The next morning George woke up to the sound of his alarm.

Back to school- yay.

However, George did have an idea for the duet he would sing with Dream.

George opened up his contacts and clicked the call button under Bad's.

"Hello George!" A cheerful voice hummed out of the speakers of George's phone.

"I made progress on the duet! and on some other Dream related things....." George started

"Tell me MORE" Bad beamed

George explained what had happened and Bad practically did a spit take to his juice he was drinking at the moment.

"So are you guys together?" Bad asked

"I'm not sure...." George said

"Why don't you ask him with the duet! At lunch you can pull him aside" Bad suggested

"Yeah- i'll try!" George said

"Hehe! Good luck muffin head, i have to go now, love you George byyeeee!"

"Love you too Bad"

George hung up the phone and looked down to see he had a text from Dream.

"Omw :]" The text read, George laughed as he responded by liking the message.

He finished up getting ready, said goodbye to his mum and went out the door. When George was done getting ready Dream was there, George went over and got into the passenger seat.

"Hi" Dream spoke softly

"Hi" George spoke just as softly

Dream gave George a fond smile as he sat there and just admired him.

"What? Do i have something on my face?" George asked as he wiped his mouth, Dream laughed.

"No, all i see is just your beauty" Dream cooed

"You are so cheesy I swear-" George laughed

Dream laughed as he started his car and began to pull out of the driveway.

Not even a minute into their short drive Dream intertwined his fingers with George's. George occasionally rubbed circles into Dreams hand.

When they reached the school Dream hopped out of his car and opened the door for George. Dream intertwined their fingers again as they walked through the halls to George's first class.

Dream left a light kiss on George's forehead as he left to go to his own class. George smiled as he took his seat as his desk, its safe to say his mind was preoccupied with Dream more than it was with what he was supposed to be paying attention to.

When lunch rolled around George quickly made his way to the lunchroom where he only saw Bad and Sapnap.

"Hey! Do you guys know where Dream is?" George asked

"He's still in the music room, i'd go get him if i were you-" Bad said as he gave George a nudge and a wink- George rolled his eyes playfully as he made his way to the music room. He had his notebook clutched in his hands- he opened the door to the music room.




George felt his heart ice over

"Dream?" George spoke- his voice broke a bit

Dream was in the music room- a girl was there touching up on his arm, Dream turned his head immediately to George, Dreams expression fell as he realized what the situation looked like- Dream pulled away from the girls grasp as he took a step near George- George turned and exited the music room, Dream chased after.

"George! Wait!" Dream grabbed George's hand making George stop

"No no- it's okay... it's not like we were actually dating. Right?" George gave the duet to Dream. "I don't why i thought you loved me the way i loved you". With those last words George broke away from Dreams grasp and ran towards to door- Bad and Sapnap had come looking for Dream and George. Sapnap stood there with his arm crossed looking disappointingly at Dream, Bad ran after George immediately after he saw him run.

"George!" Bad called out- George stopped walking and turned around.

His cheeks were stained with tears.

"George...." Bad said comfortingly as he brought up hand to wipe George's tear stained cheeks. "Talk to me" Bad said

"He was in there with a girl Bad... he didn't seem to hate her either- she was feeling up him and everything else-" George's voice broke, Bad pulled his friend into a comforting hug. "Come on, i'll drive you home" Bad said as he pulled his keys out of his pocket.

"What about my stuff?" George asked

"I'll get it for you, you can sit in the car while i do." Bad gave a warm smile as he unlocked his car for George.

Bad returned into the school and grabbed all of George's belongings. He shot Dream a disappointing look as he walked passed him.

"Dream what the hell were you thinking?" Sapnap spoke after he saw Bad leave the school.

"It's not what you think! I don't like her, I love George. She kept trying to flirt with me and i was trying to tell her i was taken and when George walked in i was going to be like 'babe there you are' but then i saw the expression on his face- then i saw his eyes...." Tears pricked at the back of his eyes, Sapnap took a seat next to Dream. "Sapnap...i can't lose him...." Dreams voice was vulnerable- Sapnap broke at the sight of his friend being like this.

"Listen, you can get him back you need to talk to him- give him some time first" Sapnap said as he placed a hand on his friends shoulder.

"I just want to comfort him and make sure he's okay...." Dream said as he looked at his hands- the hands he should be holding George in instead of sitting here like this.

"I know buddy, i know." Sapnap hugged his friend- he then brought out his phone and texted Bad, the text read; "Not as it seemed, the girl wouldn't take no for an answer."

When he pulled away he saw Dream holding a crumpled piece of paper in his hands, Dream was reading the words that were written on the paper. 

Bad looked down at his phone- he let out a sigh of relief, he looked over at George who was staring out the window.

"...George, i think you should talk to him" Bad said carefully- George stayed silent. "Look- don't worry about the battle of the bands... we can go instrumental but, i still think you should come." Bad said

"..ok" George spoke quietly, Bad's heart broke seeing his friend like this.

When they reached George's house Bad walked George inside and stopped to tell him mum that George 'wasn't feeling good' because had knew George wouldn't be able to handle any questions right now.

Bad hugged George and made sure he was settled in okay before he left.

"Feel free to text or call me or Sapnap if you need anything" Bad said comfortingly, George just hugged Bad a little tighter and then let go.

'Why did i think he could love me the same way.....'

'He lead me believe he did.....'

'...Why does my heart burn for him still? It burns for him..... to be in his arms...'


George shut his eyes tight to prevent tears from streaming down his face, he forced himself to fall asleep.
A/N heheheheh love you all

-Mother Jumichu <3

Word count: 1223

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