Safe and Sound

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"Clay! Get up and get ready for school!" Dream's mom shouted- Dream turned over and opened his eyes slowly as he checked his phone.

He stretched and got out of bed- he took a quick shower, when he got out of the shower he got dressed- he threw on his iconic green hoodie with black jeans. He went back into the bathroom to try and tame his hair- his hair was a dark shade dirty blonde, it fell just over his emerald green eyes, his hair made his freckles that painted across us cheeks more prominent- also the green hoodie brought out his green eyes. He quickly swooped his hair to try and make it seem less messy (it didn't work however). He brushed his teeth then made his way downstairs.

"Goodmorning honey" His mom greeted as he walked into the kitchen.

"morning" Dream replied

"Are you still taking that boy to school?" His mom asked after she took a sip out of her coffee mug

"mhm" Dream replied as he poured juice into a cup and took at sip

"was he the one you were on the phone with last night" his mom said nonchalantly as she subtly quirked and eyebrow.

Dream nearly choked.

"What?" Dream said

"Don't what me" His mom laughed, "You seemed pretty content and giddy on the phone- i was just connecting some dots" His mom said as she took another sip from her mug.

Dream finished his juice and put his cup in the dishwasher as he threw his bag over his shoulder.

"I have no idea what you're taking about" Dream said

"Of course you don't" Dream's mom rolled her eyes

Dream smiled as he walked out the door and got into his car. He shot a text to George saying he was on his way.

Dream's mind was foggy- confused. He was confused about what George made him feel- Dream wanted to love George the way he made him feel- but for some reason he felt like he couldn't. Every time that boys deep eyes met with his, his heart skipped a beat and his breath hitched. What was George doing to him?

After Dream arrived home that night all he could think about was how it felt to have George so up close pressed onto his body. Why did it feel so right? Like Dream had found his missing puzzle piece- but could it be right?

Dream quickly shoved his thoughts to the back of his mind as he pulled into George's driveway- he watched as the small boy opened his front door and shut it behind him. The brunette gave a cheeky smile as he practically skipped over to the car- this made Dreams heart flutter. No. Stop.

"Good morning!" George said with a extra cheerful tone

"Why are you so happy?" Dream chuckled- subtly pushing his feelings to the back of his mind.

"Cause I am" George smiled slyly

"Oh come on now why are you so smiley" Dream rolled his eyes playfully

"Cause i'm with you silly and i'm about to be with Bad and Sapnap too- maybe not if you don't start driving!" George shoved Dream's shoulder- Dream let out his iconic wheeze laugh as he began to pull out of the driveway.

Dream couldn't help but smile- he had this bright ball of sunshine sitting next to him in his car and all too warm sappy familiar feeling in his stomach.

Dream shot glances over to George when he wasn't looking- Dream had his elbow resting in the middle console while his other hand was on the wheel. He glanced over and saw George fiddling with the sleeve of his sweatshirt- making sweater paws with his fingers as he picked at the hem. Dream wiggled his finger in between George's fingers to stop him from messing up his sweatshirt.

Driver's License (Dreamnotfound)Where stories live. Discover now