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George woke up to the sound of his alarm- he turned over and grabbed his phone. He turned off his alarm and noticed he had a text message from Dream.

Dreamy :]
Good morning hot British guy, don't forget i'm coming to pick you up i'll be there around 7:30

omg you're so funny, see you at 7:30

Dreamy :]
thank you, i'm very funny ;)

George rolled his eyes and laughed as he got himself out of bed- he grabbed his clothes and jumped on the shower. He took about five minutes in the shower and then he got out and got himself ready. He hurries downstairs and grabs some breakfast.

"Oh George honey- i can take you to school- let me grab my keys"

"Mum it's fine actually- i have a uh.. friend that offered to take me from now on"

"oh? how will you get home?"

"He's going to take me home too" George gave an awkward laugh-

"He?" His mom raised an eyebrow and gave a cheeky laugh- George's phone buzzed.

"Oh- look at that he's here- i gotta go ahah- yeah uh...bye!" George quickly spoke as he gave an awkward chuckle as he left. His mom looked out the window- she saw a tall dirty blonde boy step out of his car to hug George and take his bag, she silently laughed to herself as he continued to work from her laptop.


"Good morning Georgie" Dream smiled

George gave a playful eye roll as he hugged the taller boy- Dream took his bag and put it in the back seat. They both got in the car and buckled up.

"So George are you busy after school?"

"No? Why?" George titled his head confused

"I want to show you something after school" Dream smiled wider

"Oh?" George let out a laugh

"Yep, you're going to love it trust me, we have some time to kill after though- i'll take you to this cafe first" Dream explained- George nodded along agreeing.

"Oh sounds like fun! Let me text my mum" George said as he brought out his phone.

"You're mum" Dream mimicked the accent- George just rolled his eyes and laughed at the terrible impression.

"Alright she says it's fine" George said

"Good!" Dream smiled

They arrived at the school shortly after. Dream handed George his bag and walked him to class.

Class couldn't have gone by any slower. It felt like it took centuries for the bell to ring. When it finally did George went to his next class- this class seemed to pass by a little quicker- maybe because it was math. His next class went by quicker than the last and before he knew it, it was lunch time. When he got to the lunchroom he saw his friends over at a lunch table talking about something- he walked over.

"Guys the battle of the bands is soon-" Sapnap was protesting

George came and took a seat by Dream- Dream noticed and smiled to George and out his arm around him- George rolled his eyes playfully and Dream just laughed.

Driver's License (Dreamnotfound)Where stories live. Discover now