Driving Permit

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George woke up not too long after Dream left, he woke up about three hours after. He woke up confused at the empty space next to him in his bed, he whined at the emptiness and then grabbed his phone. Did Dream really come over last night?

Good morning

Dreamy :]
Good morning Georgie 

Dreamy :]
i left around 7, i can come back over if you want

Why did you leave me in the first place >:[

Dreamy :]
fine i'm omw

omg you're annoying

Dreamy :]
nahhhhh me? never, see you in 5 ;)

George smiled as he read the last message. He got up and quickly got dressed. He sat back down on his phone and scrolled through his phone for a little.

He then heard his door open and he just pat the empty space next to him but, instead of laying in the empty space he felt arms snake around either side of his waist and a head snake under his arms and onto his chest.

"Hi" Dream said

"Hi" George said as he put down his phone-

Dream laughed as he nuzzled his head into George's chest and then he sat up on the bed.

George sat up and sat next to him, he was a little confused- Dream's eyes looked a little sad yet still they looked fondly at George. George mindlessly brought his hand up and placed it on Dream's cheek and rubbed his thumb close to his eye, Dream leaned into George's touch further.

George could be anything he wanted, but he also just wanted to be Dream's.

"..George" Dream whispered

"Hm?" George hummed- George's eyes wondered to Dream's lips and then back up to his eyes.

Dream's eyes wondered down and stopped at George's lips. Dream brought up his hand and cradled George's chin and tilted it up.

Dream looked at George for consent- George parted his lips and leaned in closer- Dream was the first to close the gap in between them. The kiss was full of lust and hunger- George tilted his head to deepen the kiss further. They both had been wanting to do this for so long. George drowned in the euphoric feeling of Dream's lips pressed up against his one. Dream pulled George in closer- he pulled George onto his lap where his hands cradled George's waist. Dream caressed George's side with his thumb which made George gasp, Dream took that as an advantage and slid his tongue into George's mouth- George tasted like honey, Dream took his time and explored all around.

They only pulled away after their lungs stung. When they pulled away they remained close to each other- Dream could feel George's heart pounding in his chest. Dream placed a kiss on George's forehead then brought up one of his hands from his waist and placed it on George's cheek where he rubbed circles into it. George leaned on and placed another kiss on Dream's lips. When they pulled away this time Dream laid George down on his back against the bed. Dream laid down next to him and George rolled over to lay his head on Dream's chest.

They laid like that for awhile before Dream had to leave, he gave George another kiss then said goodbye.

After Dream left George- George went downstairs and his mum popped her head around the corner.

"So how's your 'just a friend'?

George stopped dead in his tracks and turned to face is mum.

"Sorry- what?" George laughed

"Dream- how is Dream?" his mum gave a knowing look, George just rolled his eyes and continued pouring cereal into his bowl.

"Oh by the way, you are taking a drivers test today" His mum called out

"What??" George shouted back

"Yeah! did i not tell you??" George's mum walked into the kitchen, George quirked up his eyebrow. "Guess not" His mum laughed.

George scrambled around to get ready- then his mom took him to get his driving permit.
When Dream got home he opened up his front door and was greeted by his mom.

"Where have you been??" She asked

"George's" Dream said as he walked passed his mom- trying to reach the stairs to go up to his room. His mom huffed as she watched him walk pass- he backtracked and gave her a hug and then went upstairs.

When he went upstairs he got out his phone and called Sapnap.

"Yes?" Sapnap said

Dream spilt his guts- he told Sapnap everything that just happened and everything he was feeling.

Including that fact that he loved George.

"Ok get you some Dream i see you" Sapnap teased

Dream cursed out Sapnap under is breath and then laughed like a tea kettle.

Dream and Sapnap ended their call with their goodbyes.

Dream laid in his bed and started up to the ceiling, he loved George.

And that's all he ever would need.
a/n sorry this was a short filler chapter to bridge onto the pre climax bit :]

Driver's License (Dreamnotfound)Where stories live. Discover now