My Heart Sang For You

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George stayed MIA for awhile.

The battle of the bands was Saturday, it was now Friday of the same week of the 'incident'. George had stay home and avoided all text and calls he received- he avoided everyone.

Tomorrow was the battle of the bands.

Tomorrow he would have to face Dream.


Tomorrow.....he will be prepared.

George grabbed his phone and opened his notes.

Tomorrow he would be heard.

"If my heart burns for you- then let's let it sing too." George said as he began typing away at his phone.

"What if he doesn't show up?" Dream paced around while his two friends watched

"Dream- he'll show up" Sapnap assured, Bad nodded in agreement.

"He texted me saying he was on his way" Bad said

"On his way? on his way? how is he on is way?" Dream asked confused

"Guys your up next" A tall man appeared from around the corner

"Thanks Techno!" Bad gave Techno a bright smile- Techno shrugged and disappeared back around the corner.

"Are well all ready?" Sapnap asked

"Yep" A voice called out from behind the group

Dream knew that voice all too well.

"George you got here just in time! i like the outfit" Bad said as he pulled his friend up by his side.

Dream watched as George walked by him with Bad.

George was wearing black ripped jeans with a black t-shirt under a short sleeved button down that was tucked into his trousers. His jeans were cuffed over top his black boots- he had placed a pair of white 'clout' goggles on the top of his hair, he had blue friendship type tie bracelet around his wrist next to a black beaded one, his hair was perfectly messy and fluffy.

They all scattered onto the stage, they took their places and then they heard their name be announced as the curtain rose.

The crowd cheered knowing them from their previous wins. The crowd was surprised to see a new member of the band but by their facial expressions they definitely liked him.

They started to play- George stepped up to the microphone, he looked to Bad who gave him a reassuring look.

"I got my drivers license last week, just like we always talk about" George started to sing, Dream felt this eyes widen. "'Cause you were so excited for me to finally drive up
to your house- but, today i drove through the suburbs, crying because you weren't around." George continued to sing- Dream looked back at his fellow band mates for some sort of explanation but all he saw was their eyes placed on George- Bad was proud and Sapnap was in shock.

"And you're probably with that blonde girl" George sung, Dream expression fell as he turned to face George now. "She's so much older than me, she's everything i'm insecure about. Yeah, today i drove through the suburbs because how could i ever love someone else."

George had the crowed wrapped around his finger.

"And i know we weren't perfect but i've never felt this way for no one, and i just can't imagine how you could be so okay now that i'm gone, guess you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me- cause you said forever now i drive alone past your street" George's voice was quiet, written with pain- his voice broke due to the tears growing in his eyes, but it only added into the effect. George shook it off as he took the mic off the microphone and took into a breathe.

Driver's License (Dreamnotfound)Where stories live. Discover now