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-4 years later-

"Dream would you please just tell me where we are going!" George whined as Dream laughed

"No!! It's a surprise for a reason" Dream spoke.

It's been 4 whole years, they graduated high school and now live together- they have been dating for four whole years- if felt like it was just yesterday that Dream was showing George around the halls for the first time.

Dream held George's hand, fingers intertwined over the console of his car.

"I still can't believe we won the battle of the bands back in high school" George joked

"What do you mean? You were amazing on that stage babe" Dream smiled

George let out a giggle

Dream pulled down a all too familiar road.

"Are we going where i think we are going?" George asked slyly

"I don't know, are we?" Dream said slyly, George huffed.

Dream pulled up to a familiar parking spot.

They got out of the car and Dream lead George up to see a familiar shoreline.

George's eyes lit up.

The beach.

The first place Dream took him.

George squeezed Dream's hand as they walked the shoreline. They walked until they saw the sunset, they stopped to watch it.

"George" Dream said

"Hm?" George hummed

He turned his gaze from the sun to Dream.

"Dream-" George said, Dream was on one knee holding a ring in his hand.

"George, will you make me the happiest man alive by marrying me. I know you know how much i love you already but I will always love you endlessly no matter what- i promised you this four years ago and I'm going to keep that promise" Dream said

"Yes- yes, i'll marry you" George said as a tear rolled down his face. Dream stood up and placed the ring onto George's finger. George wrapped his arms around Dreams neck and pulled him into a kiss.

"I love you" Georhe whispered to Dream

"I love you too" Dream whispered back

Driver's License (Dreamnotfound)Where stories live. Discover now