Jinsoo || Your gonna be a dad ! || When you tell him your pregnant

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Jisoo and Jin have been Married for 2 years now. Yes being two idols from VERY famous groups and being married to eachother is hard but they managed it.

The both  have been trying for a baby, they tried 4 times but I still could not get pregnant. After the last time they tried for one they decided to give it a break, Jin was kind of upset but was very understanding.

Jisoo POV

I've been feeling a bit off lately, I don't wanna eat, I just wanna stay in bed all the time and according to my members I'm also a bit moody, I thought maybe it was just PMS.

I was just on my bed my bed scrolling through my phone when I got a notification, I by mistake clicked on it before I could click on it. It opened my Period Tracking app, it said that it had been auto-updated and that my period was 2 weeks late.


I was at dance practice when all of the sudden Jungkook comes in screaming.


JH : Why are you late to dance practice ? 


NJ : Then what is ?


SG : She is what ?!?!

JK : Pregnant

After hearing that I felt happy but a series of mixed emotions were also in me, I wanted to have kids soo badly but We just couldn't. Thinking about this tears forming in my eyes I quickly wiped them.


J : Who thought you would be the first to have kids in the Maknae line !

We were talking for a long time and then practiced our choreography.

Jisoo POV

I decided that I would take a pregnancy test

I took the test and kept it aside and waited.

* After 3 mins *

I went and I checked the test and . . .

It was positive.

I- I did not expect this at all, Tears atrted streaming down my face and I still was shocked. I decided that I would take a few more test and the all came out positve.

 I decided that I would take a few more test and the all came out positve

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I started sobbing, after a while I caressed my belly

JS : Mommy is here, Daddy is gonna be soo happy when he knows about you . . .

* Time passes *


I just came back home tired and I called for Jisoo

J : Choo !

I did not hear a reply I was worried so I opened the closet to put my coat in and I saw a note that read 

It's been a long day, So come on in dear and Head to the place where you grab a beer.

I chuckled at the note and went to the mini bar and opened the area for our beer and found a nother note that read

You might want to change out of you work attire and Find some PJs if that's your desire

I followed what the note said and went to our closet and changed into some comfy clothes since I already showered using the company showers. I was about to leave the closet when I realized I forgot about the note so I opened the PJs drawer and found a note that read

If you need the restroom this is your change, Go ahead and go before you pee your pants.

I chuckeld at the note and went to the restroom and found the note I put it in my pocket and did my buisneiss first and then read it, it said

Head to the bedroom were we sleep tight, I'm so excited to share some news tonight.

I then headed to our bed room and found a note on the bed there 

Your hunt is alomst over now gimme some lovin', Then go see what's baking in our sweet oven.

 She baked ? Oh no my precious kitchen I ran to the oven only to find a few chocolate crossionts and a note I took one of the croissant and bit into it while I read the note.

 Now take a seat where we waitch TV and brace youself cause now we are a family of 3.

I choked on my croissant

I dropped the croissant and ran to the living room and saw Jisoo wearing one of my hoddies and sitting there teary-eyed

I dropped the croissant and ran to the living room and saw Jisoo wearing one of my hoddies and sitting there teary-eyed

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JS : I'm pregnant 

She says softly but load enough for me to hear

and Pull her into a huge hug and start sobbing

JS : OMO Don't cry, Your WWH Face looks ugly when you cry

I chuckle at what she says

Jisoo POV

I gave him a peck on the cheek and said

JS : I was originally gonna tell you next week on your birthday but, Hobi Oppa called me . . .


I was just sitting there caressing my belly while eating ice cream and looking at ideas to tell him im pregnant on his birthday next week when I got a call from Hobi Oppa

JH : Hello Jisoo-ssi

JS : Oh hello

JH : Um Imma come to the point straight cause practice is gonna start soon

JS : Oh um ok

JH : So Lisa is Pregnant, Jungkook just told us


JH : Okay but when Jungkook told us, Jin-Hyung teared up a bit . . .

JS : oh . .

JH : I know you and Jin-Hyung have been trying for a baby 

JS : mhm . . .

JH : I feel like he is just kind of upset after that but he is happy for Jungkook, Just take care of him

JS : I will thnx for telling me

you sighed but a smile crept on your face as you caressed your stomach


J : Well Im gonna be a dad now

JS : I know

We cuddled for a bit

JS  : I love you

J : I love you, you too little one 

with that, he pecked your forehead and you belly

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