Jinsoo ( ft. RM ) || Threesome || 🔞🔞🔞🔞

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( BTW I think this whole fanfic is gonna be Jisoo POV, IDK why tho )

Jisoo POV 

It was my birthday and the party was just over and we were sending everyone off. After we sent everyone I went and gave Jin, My boyfriend, a huge hug as he had just cam from tour but still managed to arrange a party for me.

JS : Thank you for the party and the gifts.

J : Well, I have one more gift for you.

JS : What is that ?

J : For that you need a blindfold.

Before you could say anything he covers your eyes with a blindfold and took you somewhere and made you sit down.

J : You ready ?

JS : Yup 

With that he opened your blindfold revealing Namjoom-ssi. You were shocked and looked at Jin, you had already told Jin about how you would like to do a threesome with Namjoon and by the looks of how the room was decorated you could tell what was gonna happen.

J : Well, I guess we should start.

You and Namjoon nodded with a smirk, and then you went close to them and tried to unzip their pants when  . .  .

NJ : No babygirl, it's your birthday.

Jin then pushed you on the bed and started licking your pu$$y, he didn't take it slow at first he went full on.

JS : Oh J-jin fuck, AH !

But before anymore moans could leave your mouth, Namjoon had his cock in your mouth while massaging your boobs

J : You like that huh ?

JS : Mhm

This is was happening until you cummed twice. After that Jin stood up and made you blow his cock, while Namjoon was in you.

JS : Ahh ! Kim Fucking Namjoon ! F-fuck

He smirked at you. This was different, Jin had a averge sized but long cock, but Namjoon he had a large one.

Jin : Someone is enjoying alot today

NJ : * Chuckles *

I was a moaning mess.

JS : I-I'm cumming

J : Well, then

He pulled out. I groaned in annoyance but just as I was gonna confront him about it Jin had his Cock in me.

JS  : S-shit

While this was happening, I felt vibrations on my nipple, It was Namjoon with a vibrator, But before I could say anything Jin started thrusting faster.

JS : F-fuck, ahhhh, You guys, ahhhh

J : Your on pills right ?

You nodded.

And all of the sudden the vibrations were on your womanhood.

JS : Ah Shit  !

JS : I-I'm gonna c-um

J : Me too.

With that both of you came on the same time and the vibrations stopped, all 3 of you were on the bed now.

NJ : Well, I gotta go now and If you guys wanna do this again just call me, I'll come over

He said before leaving. You guys nodded and cuddled for about 10 mins when all of the sudden you hear a knock on your door, You two put on a robe, go and open the door only to find a note, it said :

Hey, Jin and Jisoo !

       This is your neiboughers. Please maintain a low volume, it's all we ask. We can't wait for you to go on a tour again, Jin.

You both burst out Laughing.

J : * Recovering the laughter * So wanna do a Round 2 ?

You smirk at him.

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