Jirose || When you prank him into thinking that you slept with someone

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Chae POV

Me and Jimin have been friends for a long time now, and well I wanna be more than friends with him but im pretty sure he does not want that. But us being idols and many more reasons stop us.

Well today I was just bored so I decided to prank him. It was bout 8:30 in the morning and I knew Jimin will be here today in about an hour. I decided to do the I slept with someone prank.

I took out a condom that i had lying around and put my fingers in to stretch it out and then filled it up with some lotion to mimick cum. I then just put it down on the flower by my bed.

I then got rid of my clothes and threw them onto the floor mimicking that something had happened last night. I layed naked in my bed with a blanket over me pretending to be asleep.

Jimin POV

I walked upto her apartment and knocked on her door while still being on my phone.


No Response

Then I tried using the doorbell

Still no response.

I took out her apartments spare key which I always, with her knowledge of course, have just incase she looses hers and opened the door. The house was entirely silent.

JM : Chae~!!

I'm pretty sure she is probably sleeping at this point, so I go into her bedroom only to find her clothes on the floor, and her still sleeping wrapped up on a blanket.

I'm pretty sure she is probably sleeping at this point, so I go into her bedroom only to find her clothes on the floor, and her still sleeping wrapped up on a blanket

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JM : Chaeee~ You promised to pay for all my food today after you lost that bet yesterday, C'mon wake up

She mumbles something and turns around in her sleep and then I realize.....SHE IS NAKED !?

JM : C-Chae ? CHAE !!

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JM : C-Chae ? CHAE !!

I woke her up


JM : A-an other guy ?

She's in a relationship ? and That too far in to have sex..

I then realize she is still naked, I excuse myself and get out of the room so she can change.


She comes out in a floral dress.

RS : Let's go, I have to buy you Breakfast, Luch and Dinner

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RS : Let's go, I have to buy you Breakfast, Luch and Dinner.

She said as she headed through the door while putting on a bracelet on her wrist.

JM : Are you really gonna act like that never happened ?

She turned back

RS : Like what never happened ?

JM : Are you kiddin-

I walked to her bedroom to show " what " 

RS : Jimin What are you-

JM : I came here to day morning. Only to find you naked on your bed, your clothes are all over the floor an-

I was talking when I accidentally stepped on something, I bend down to pick it up only to realize it was a used condom.

JM : I- ewww.

RS : W-what ?

JM : ~Scoffs~ A used condom ? You hooked up with a stranger ?!

RS : He wasn't just a stranger I know him !

JM : He probably isn't trust worthy !

RS : I know he is !

JM : Are you even sure 'bout that ! It's not like your dating him or som- 

I change my gaze towards her.

RS : I am.. We are together.

JM : W-what ?

RS : Jimin I was gonna introduce him to you this weekend.

JM : How long ?

RS : F-Five months ?

JM : 5 Months ?!

Rose POV

JM : 5 Months ?!

RS : Yea

Dang. Why is he like..So protective ?

JM : W-what's his name ?

Shit. Quick Rose think, think.

RS : Uhhh, Um J-junghae.

JM : H-he is not worth for you.

Wha- ? Does he actually know someone with that name ? Shit I think we are about to be busted 0.0

RS : And How do you know that ?!

JM : C-cause I-I saw him out with another girl !

O.O            I.AM.SO.BUSTED.

RS :A-are you sure ?!


Now that was something I did not expect. I was thinking bout this when I noticed Jimin's ear turning red, his ears only turn red when he lies. He's Lying ? Why is he lying to me. I decided to play along.

JM :He has a bad buisneiss he ex um uhh oh yeah exports illegeal weapons.

RS : Wha- ? Jimin Why are you saying all of these stuff and acting like your jealou-


RS : What ?..

JM : Cause I Love you a-and- I'm sorry ~starts to tear up~ I've loved you for a Lomg time now, I should've confessed before. I'm sorry ~ Kisses you on your forehead ~ ~ Head out ~

RS : h-he loves me..?

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