when he is not ready for a kid yet ( pt.1 ) 🥟🐯

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 Jennie POV

I washed my hands, kept the test on the sink countertop, pulled the toilet seat down and sat on it.

My hands were trembling. What if I'm pregnant ?

Taehyung had always made it clear that he doesn't want kids, even though we are married now. He was always the sweetest guy anyone could ask for but whever the topic of kids come up, he kida becomes cold.

His mom has always asked for grandkids but Tae has never even responded to her about it, and what about his dad you ask ? well I've never seen him. I know he is uncomfortable about the topic of his dad so I dont bring it up either. 

You might be thinking,  if you don't really want kids, then why don't you take birth control, I do but my birth control pills from last month, stayed out in my car for a while, in the sun. So then when I used it, it didn't really work.


The alarm i set on my phone goes off. 

I take a deep breath and take the test in my hand and flipped around, my eyes still closed.

I opened my eyes and...2 pink lines.

I burst out into tears with my hand covering my mouth.

I was happy, but will Tae be the same ?

Will he leave me ?

Just as I was thinking about it I heard the front door open.

TH : I'm home Jennie-yah !

I quickly wiped my tears hid the test in a drawer and went out to greet him.

JN : O-oh hey your home !

TH : Yup ! 

He said as he kept his bag down.

TH : I'm soo hungry~

He said trying to act cute.

JN : ~chuckles~ Okay go freshen up and come, I'll make food. 

I start to make the food and I let the meat cook for a bit by itself while i sat down as that was the last thing i need to prepare.

I thought about how do I tell him ? Will he accept it ? What if he doesn't ?


I turned around.

TH : THE MEAT ! IT'S Burning

JN : Oh shit !

I turned around and turned of the gas.

TH : Holy-

TH : Are you ok ?

I nod.

TH : Thank goodness I was here it would've caught on fire if I wasn't. You should be a bit more careful..

He said as he caressed my cheek.

JN : I-I'm sorry I think I zoned out.

TH : It's ok, I'll order Take Out

He said as he smiled before going to order the food.


Within some time the food arrived, and then we sat down and ate.

TH : Mmmm, This is why I love panda express.

He said while eating as I chuckled at him.

JN : Of course, If not you wouldn't order it everytime we eat out. 

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