Liskook || When your gonna tell him your pregnant but he ignores you

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Lisa POV

I've been very tired lately and nauseous and I'm just not like myself lately, Then I realize have not got My Period yet. Shit. I decided that I would take a test, I took them earlier this morning and it came out positive. I was shocked but happy. Though the test showed positive I still decided to confirm with the doctor. 



I'm currently sitting at the doctor's table waiting for her to walk out of the examination room with my results while fidgeting with my hands.

DOC : Ms. Lisa, You results are in !

LS : Oh is it positive ?

DOC : Yes ! Congrats on being a mother

I smile happily and Thank the doctor and leave.

I drive while smiling and thinking about his reactions when I tell him He's gonna be a dad.

Jungkook POV

I got home from practice and called out for Lisa

JK : Lili ! I'm home Jagiya !

I heard no response and I searched for her around the house. She was no where to be found. I got scared and decided to call her but just as I was about to call her I noticed a note on the fridge. It read :

 Hey ! It's me Lisa I've gone out for  bit, so if you come home early don't you dare touch the banana milk cause you finished a whole carton of it yesterday and you are not having more, intseated you eat the chips I BAKED for YOU

          Love, Lisa

I smile at the note, change into a sweatshirt and sweat pants and find the bowl of chips she baked and ate them while watching some Youtube videos on the TV.

I came across this one video where A guy pranks his girlfriend by ignoring and pretending he is mad at her. She's been pranking me alot lately so, It's time for me to do the same.


Lisa POV

I return from home only to find Jungkook watching Netfilx and drinking Banana Milk on the couch.

LS : Koo !

I squeal at him cutely and go to him and hug him but he does not respond.

LS : koo I told you not to drink anymore Banana Milk ! Your gonna get sick from how much you drink it.

He did not budge nor move. I then leave him on his own thinking maybe is stressed cause he ignores people and becomes cold when he is mad.

LS : Koo ! What do you want for dinner Teokbokki or Jjajangmyeon ( A/N's Note : I think that's how you spell it ? )

He did not respond. I decided to make Jjajangmyeon knowing he loves it.

Jungkook POV

Oh no, hope she does not make Teokbokki when there is another option called JJAJANGMYEAON !!


I suddenly smell Jjangmyeon, YAAAAAAAASSSSSSS She made Jjajangmyeon.

I still sit their while trying not to run to the kitchen nor smile and stay cold at the same time.

LS : Koo ! Dinner is ready

She said while placing the bowl of noodles on the island while she sit on one of the stool with her bowl.

I go and take the bowl and go to our dining table and sit ther and start eating coldly.

 LS : O-okay 

She said while her voice is visibly sad. I felt horrible for doing this but decided to continue.

Lisa POV

Why is he being cold ? Did I make him mad ? 

He never does this even if he is super mad.

I ate and then washed my bowl and after a while he coldly came and kept his bowl by the sink and left. I washed his bowl too and went to get ready for bed.

Jungkook POV

I got ready for bed and Layed down in bed while going through my phone when all of the sudden she comes and hugs me while laying down beside me. I really wanted her hugs but this damn prank. urghhh.

I moved her hand off me and turned the other side. She then said

LS : Okay

In the most saddest voice she said.

I then thought about telling her it was a prank and when I was thinking about this I heard sniffles. I turned back only to find a teary, puffy eyed Lisa

JK : Oh no Don't cry

I said as I pulled her into a hug

LS : W-why are you ignoring me ? Did I make you mad ? I'm sorr-

JK : Shhh No no, It was not you fault

Shit. I felt bad. This stupid prank made her cry. I'm such a bad boyfriend.

LS : T-then why did ignore me all a-along ?

She asked between sniffles.

JK : I-it was a prank. The ignoring and pretending to be mad on your girlfriend prank. I'm sorry

She started hitting me furriously while pouting and I chuckled at her.


LS : That's what you get for doing this to me.

JK : I'm sorry boo

I said as I pulled her in for a cuddle.

LS : Koo

JK : hmm ?

LS : I have something to tell you.

JK : W-what is it ?

LS : I-I was feeling sick for the past few days and I did not get my period.

JK : * I widen my eyes * A-are you ?

LS : I'm pregnant ! 

I scream from excitment as I pull her in for a kiss.

I pull away after sometime and say

JK : I'm sooooo sorry about the prank earlier. I'm such a bad boyfriend. Anyways leave that. We have to move to a new house cause why not ? and then decorate the nursery with the them of Yellow and Banana Milk, Cause of course MY child has to love banana milk. Then when he / she turns 6 we take them to dance class or music class or whatever they like and oooh. The name ! What do him/her . . ? Ah if it's a girl It's Arin and if it's a boy it'a jungwoo but wait they are korean names why don't we try thai names like . . ? Ah if it's girl we'll name her Hansa and if it's a bo-

LS : Omo omo Stop They baby is not even born yet. I'm only 3 weeks.


I continue blabbering about the baby until we drifted off to sleep

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