~°•35•°~ ~End~

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Hyunjin POV

The next morning I woke up earlier than usual, so I decided to go to the kitchen and make some coffee.

'Wait...what if we go to a bar? Since he said I need to love him more...I don't think he will say no'


I was waiting for Jeongin to come back from the coffee bar with our drinks, when suddenly a girl stopped in front of me, she was kinda pretty, long dark hair, and a pale skin. Big eyes with green contacts and red plump lips. It's not the first time that I see her...
She is my ex girlfriend...again...

I used to date her the two years where I wasn't with Jeongin. She was a lot younger than me, but I didn't really care, I never touched her anyway.

"Hyunjin? Hwang Hyunjin? Is that really you?" She said while trying to act cute or hot I don't know.

"Yea? So?"

"I...you don't remember me?"

"I do remember you but right now I'm busy ok? Can you please go-"

"Listen~ I know that you are not busy right now~ you just can't resist me~" and with that she placed her fake plump lips on mine...it was kinda gross...

After not even half a second I heard something that fell on the ground and immediately broke the kiss...
It was Jeongin...one of the coffees fell from his hand...maybe because he saw her kissing me...it's a mistake!!

"Bitch out of the way" he said pushing the girl at the side making her loose balance.

"Bitch who!? You call your mother like tha-"

Jeongin grabbed my wrist, tightly, he didn't even look at me, nor at his back to see the screaming girl still there angry.

He brought me far away from the cafe,  but unfortunately, it started to rain and pretty bad.
We stopped in the middle of a park, no one there, no screaming kids, no laughs, no swings sounds, only the rain...

"Jeongin I! She kissed me!" I said panicking a little.

"And? Couldn't you push her away? Was she so hot for you? Or are you just playing with my feelings again? Because if you are than, this is the last time that you will"
He didn't even turned to me...he only looked down...his blonde hair soaked wet and even his jacket.

"No! Please! It was a mist-"

"Go home" he said in a cold tone, still not facing me...


"I said go home!!" He yelled at me...I never heard him yelling at someone like this...

I remained in silence, watching him walking away from me. This was the first time that I felt like a part of me was slowly shattering into little pieces...

No one POV

Hyunjin was there...in the middle of the park...looking down at his feet...maybe with some tears in his eyes, but who could tell, it was raining so badly...

He looked up to see the younger's figure...but there was no trace of him...

'Fuck. I lost him...'


He tightened his grip to the jacket in his hand and started to run in the younger's direction, trying to find him...he was fast at walking...but he can't be already at home...

He ran for maybe...5 minutes...and finally saw the younger's back, walking fast, with his head down.


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