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Hyunjin's POV

We walked side to side, shoulder to shoulder, holding hands...
I waited for AGES! Jeongin wouldn't hold my hand in public places because he was scared people would judge us.

I'm not scared to show my love for him in public...every one needs to know that we are lovers!!

I looked at him, and saw how he was squeezing his eyes because of the sunlight shining in his eyes
"Here baby bread"
I took my glasses off and put them on him.

"Huh? No it's ok...now you will be the one-"

"It's ok, I don't want my baby to get wrinkles around his eyes"

Jeongin shook his head and smiled.
He looked extremely cute in those round black glasses...

"You look so cute" I ruffled his hair and pulled him by the hand I was holding, and hugged him tightly.

"Y-Ya! I-it's hot, don't hug me!" Jeongin said twisting his body to get away from my super powerful hug, but in the deep, I knew that he was enjoying it.
We don't hug too much lately, we are both really busy with work, and since I work till late in the evening, we only have a few hours to tell each others how our day went.

Jeongin wanted to change his job and become my new secretary, but I know how much he loves his current job...
But him being my secretary...it would be hot~

"YA! Hyunjin-ah! Are you listening to me?!"

"Uh? No"

"Gosh you are unbelievable"

"And how did you just call me?"

"We are old enough, and we are soon getting married. Do I still need to call you hyung?"

"The other name is better~" I ran away from him and stuck my tongue out.

"The other na—....HYUNJIN!!" He chased after me with a fist raised and blush all over his face.


I stopped in front of the boutique where we were going to try on the wedding clothes, and stared at the showcase of the shop with my mouth open

[ :O ]

Since I stopped so suddenly, Jeongin ran into me and fell on the umide floor "Hyunjin!! Don't stop all of a sudden like this! Ow...now my butt hurts"

"Sorry baby!~" I turned around and picked him up from the ground and gave him lots of little kisses on the face.
"But look, that would look really nice on you" I pointed at the showcase.

"Oh...I actually thought about something white, not black, at least not on me–"

"I mean the dress, I'm going o ask if they can make you try it on" I grinned and wiggled my eyebrows while grabbed him from the waist and pulling him close.

"You really want to get punched today huh?"

"You are so violent today~ it was a compliment, not everyone can look good in a dress" I pouted and looked down.

Jeongin sighed and massaged his head with a hand "Let's just go in you big dork" he took me by the hand and we got in the boutique.


"Hello! How can I help you–  Oh~ we have a really good looking couple~ I see~" the cashier said all smiley.

𝙅𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝘼 𝙂𝙖𝙢𝙚 (𝙃𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙄𝙣)Where stories live. Discover now