By Your Side

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Chapter 4: By Your Side

Aoko's POV-

It's been a few days since Kaito's mom's death. I and Kaito along with Akako-chan and Hakuba-kun went to Kuroba Family Grave. Kaito wanted to go alone but we insisted on coming together. He was behaving normally teasing me and talking about the color of my panties. I am glad that he is okay but still somewhere he is broken.

We reached his home.

"Kuroba-kun, take care. We will leave now." Akako-chan said. "Nakamori-san also, take care."

"Hai." I nodded.

"Jaa ne Kuroba. Call me if you need anything." Hakuba-kun said.

Kaito just nodded.

They both left.

"Kaito, are you hungry? I will make something for you." I turned to him.

"Thank you Aoko." He said. "I will be in my room. I want to take some rest." He went into his room.

"Hai." I went towards the kitchen to make something for us.

I was wondering about what Kaito said to Kudo-kun on phone. What kind of organization were they talking about? I was confused. When did Kaito and Kudo-kun meet? How do they know each other? I looked at Kaito who was sitting on the bed in his room. His back was facing me so I don't know what he was doing. I went near to take a close look. He was holding their family photo in his hands. I went and stood behind him and saw him crying. He never loses his coolness no matter what. I felt broken seeing him this sad.

"Kaito!" I hugged him from the back. He froze for a bit but then I could still hear his sobs.

He turned and hugged me tightly. I could feel how broken he is. I felt like crying too but I somehow controlled myself. Right now Kaito needs me and I can't be weak. I need to be strong for his sake.

"Aoko, gomen!" he apologized to me.

"Kaito, why are you apologizing?"

"Because I showed you mine not so cool side. And, thank you for being here by my side."

"Bakaito! I am always there by your side. And, it's okay to show your not so cool side once in a while but only to me, okay?" I smiled.

He looked at me. His eyes still teary but tears had stopped flowing. Honestly, I had never seen Kaito like this. It was hard for him and for me as well. But somehow, I managed to be okay for him, because I wanted to be by his side, whenever he needs me.

"I have prepared some snacks. Let's eat." I broke the hug and he followed me to the dining hall.

"Ne, Kaito? How do you know Kudo Shinichi?" I finally asked him while serving food.

He looked at me with a shocked expression.

"How do you know that I know him?" he asked me.

"That day when Conan-kun came to visit you after he left, you were talking to Kudo-kun on phone. I didn't mean it but I heard you talking." I told him.

"Ahh, actually it was about a trick for a case."

"Ah, is that so? I thought you did something fishy!" I laughed.

"Huh? Why would I do something fishy?" he laughed as well.

Thank God he laughed. I just want him to always keep on smiling.

I kept looking at him with a smile. He looked at me.

"What?" he asked.

"Nothing, I just want you to keep smiling Kaito."

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