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Konichiwa minna! My name is Priti or you can call me Shreya. 

I am from India and I am a crazy fan of DCMK. 

This is my first story on DCMK fandom. 

I hope you'll like this story. 

Read and enjoy!



It was mid-night when Mouri Ran's eyes opened suddenly. Feeling thirsty, she sat up in her bed and threw the sheets covering her. Unwillingly, she step out of the room and walked to the kitchen. She found the lights of her dad's office on. Confused about who must be at the office at this hour she opened the door of the office and found Conan-kun sleeping on the sofa, with his favorite Sherlock Holmes book half opened on his chest and his one hand resting on the book. Ran smiled looking at the Holmes Freak and walked near him. She took the book from his hand carefully not to wake him up. Putting a bookmark on the page which he was reading she kept the book on the table near the sofa. She brought out a blanket to cover him. She went near him and covered him with the blanket. She looked at his cute and innocent sleeping face and found that he was still wearing his glasses.

'Geez, Conan-kun. How many times I have told him to take out glasses while sleeping.'

She took out his glasses and put it on the table. She turned to him and kept looking at his face. She thought that he resembles someone. Then it clicked in her mind, the one with whom Conan-kun resembles is none other than Kudo Shinichi. Conan had become now a middle-schooler, age 14. He has been Edogawa Conan since 7 years and yet never found out about the crime syndicate Black Organization which made him shrunk using a drug. He had started looking like Shinichi as he grew up. His specs did a great job in hiding his secret identity. But Ran was shocked, hell shocked to see a Shinichi-look-alike. She never thought that Conan-kun resembles him so much. She was told that Conan-kun was Agasa Hakase's distant relative's son. Then why he resembles Shinichi? Is he really Shinichi? If he is then why he is in such shrunken state? She was not getting anything. She went to her room quietly and sat on the chair near her study table on which there was a framed photograph of her and Shinichi. She held the frame in her hands and kept looking at it. She started to remember things from the very start when they both went to Tropical Land and after that Shinichi suddenly disappeared.

It was not a coincidence that she met Conan-kun shortly after Shinichi went missing. Whenever Shinichi appeared suddenly, Conan-kun was not around and same when Conan-kun was there Shinichi was not. It was sure not a coincidence. But in some cases, which involved Kaito KID, both were there. Maybe, Shinichi asked KID to disguise as him. But for what reason he asked KID to do so? Maybe, he tricked her every time she suspected him. She thought again and again but lastly came to the question again, how he shrank. There were many things that both Shinichi and Conan-kun have in common. Their soccer skills, their deduction skills, his resemblances and not to forget that both are Holmes Freak, these all things were in common.

She remembered the case from the East Okuho Village, where a boy named Okuda Makoto-kun had a plastic surgery and became fake Shinichi. Conan-kun had worse cold and suddenly Hattori-kun told that he left the village and went to Hakase, it was then when Shinichi appeared suddenly. When Hattori-kun solved the case, he used fingerprints from his charm's handcuff piece, claiming that there were Shinichi's fingerprints on that piece but she knew that except her and Conan-kun Shinichi never touched them. And Hattori-kun used it to prove that Makoto-kun was fake Shinichi. That means, Hattori-kun knew Shinichi's secret, then why didn't he tell her?

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