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Chapter 9-Saviour


Place: Unknown old factory

Aoko had fallen asleep somehow. She didn't have any energy left. Her eyes were red and puffy due to crying. She had waited for Kaito all night but he didn't come. He was a liar, that's what she felt. She looked at the door as she heard a few footsteps coming towards the door.

She then heard sounds of opening a lock and the next second the door opened revealing Snake. She looked down back at the ground in disappointment screaming Kaito is a liar in her head. Snake went close to her.

"So, your boyfriend still has not shown up. What can we do with you till then?" he cupped her face. Aoko felt disgusted by his touch.

"He is just a liar, why did you even believe him?" she asked him back ignoring that he had called Kaito her boyfriend.

"Oh, is that so?" he left her face. "But I do believe that he will bring that Pandora to me, to save you of course."

"Pandora?" she had heard about such thing for the first time.

"You had it with you all this time and you don't know?" he asked her.

She just looked at him with a big question mark on her face. She knew nothing regarding this. But before she could ask him any question, smoke covered the whole room. She closed her eyes and tried not to breathe in the smoke. In a few seconds, she felt hands on her hands trying to untie hers. She opened her eyes. The person in front of her was Kaito Kid, no, Kuroba Kaito, her childhood friend, the one she loves as much as she hates. He was in his Kaito Kid disguise but he did not wear that monocole. She did not say a word. Kaito looked at her. He understood how hurt she was, the pain in her eyes said everything. He did not find words important at that time. So, he just smiled, a warm and kind smile. He was glad to know she was alive. She was confused, why did he smile? But anger took over her and she looked away. He freed her and made her stand. The smoke was still covering them.

"Run straight and there is a window from which I came in. Go out from there, Hakuba is waiting outside." He told her.

"I won't. I need answers, Kaito!" she firmly said.

He looked at her. He can't run away from her now. The time when she has to be told the truth has come. He threw some more smoke balls. And then he pulled her in a hug.

"I will answer all of your questions Aoko, but for now your safety is important. Please run away." He broke the hug and pulled her towards the window. As much as she was startled by his actions, she decided to trust him. With one last look at him, she jumped out of the window.

On the other side:

Bourbon parked his car and got out. Vermouth was already waiting for him. He opened the backseat door and pulled a strawberry blonde woman out. Her hands and mouth were tied. He walked towards Vermouth pulling that woman with him.

"Great job Bourbon~" Vermouth praised him. "I was surprised that you found her." She emphasised on the you purposely.

"I am a man of doing jobs." He just smirked.

Vermouth chuckled and asked him to follow her. They went inside. Shiho couldn't help but feel anxious and scared. She could sense the vibes of the members, especially Gin. Rei could feel her hands trembling in his hold. He looked at her and gave her a reassuring smile. She just kept looking at him wondering whether his smile helped her calm down a bit or just increased her heartbeats more.

Vermouth stopped in front of a big hall. It did not seem like a normal hall though as it was an old ruined factory. Shiho looked around and she was able recognize the members standing in the room. Feeling more afraid she closed her eyes. She was able to hear sound of footsteps coming close to her. She was still in Rei's grasp but a new hand touched her cheeks. She felt disgusted. She knew whose hand it was. No one else other than Gin touched her like this. She wanted to run away but if she does, either she will be killed or their plan will fail. She decided to be patient.

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