Start of Something Big

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Chapter 7-Start of Something Big

A few days later-:

Aoko was on her way back home from school. She is an English language teacher at Beika Middle School. Today was a tiresome day for her. After getting home, she has to make dinner too. She made a mental note for herself to call Kaito for dinner today. As she thought about Kaito, she started to remember that he has been shut since his mother's death. Though he goes out and does his own work still somewhere she couldn't help but think that he is just pretending. She felt that something is wrong.

She messaged Kaito about dinner asking if he will eat at home or he is eating outside. As she was standing by the side of the road, she felt someone's gaze on her. She looked around but didn't find anyone suspicious. She started walking again towards her house. She was really feeling like someone was following her. She started walking quickly and took out her phone hurriedly dialing the emergency number which was set as Kaito's number.

After a few rings, Kaito picked up the call.

"KAITO!" she said, her voice filled with fear.

"Aoko, what's wrong?" he asked.

"Someone's following me." she told him.

"Calm down Aoko, where are you now?" he asked trying to make her and himself calm. He was worried about the worst-case scenario.

"Near the lane of our house." She replied.

Kaito was with Kudo, Hattori, and Hakuba at Kudo's house. It will take time for him to go where Aoko was.

"Don't go home, go to the nearest police booth. I am coming." Kaito signaled the others and they all left the house. Hattori started the car and they drove off.

"And keep on talking to me on the phone Aoko. Start the video call!"

They switched to video call. He could see how frightened she was. And she could see how worried he was for her. The call was ongoing and Kaito was able to see everything. He was able to see a hand covered in black gloves covered her mouth the next second. The camera started to move as Aoko struggled. But he couldn't do anything.

"AOKO!" he shouted, "LEAVE HER ALONE YOU IDIOTS!" he yelled and shouted through the phone but nothing could be done.

"KAITO! HELP!" Aoko was shouting for help but he was helpless.

One person amongst the people covered in black suits and gloves held her and the other picked up her phone showing her on the camera.

"Wish you good luck finding her, Kaito Kid!" the call got cut off.

Kaito looked down not saying a word. Others could understand what he was feeling. But at this moment, searching for Aoko was more important than anything. Shinichi kept his hand on Kaito's shoulder and took the phone from his hands. He properly cropped the last part of the video of the man saying Kaito Kid's name and sent it to Akai, Furuya, and Sera.

Sera was working in the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department (TMPD) in the Criminal Branch. He told her the details. Akai asked the FBI to check and Furuya contacted Kazami so that the PSB can investigate, as it was related to the Black Organization's other part. Kaito got himself together. He needs her back and for that, he can do anything. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to answer Nakamori-san. He wasn't able to save his mother and if he fails to save Aoko, he will lose his only family.

But then he received a message from Aoko's phone. The sender wasn't Aoko but he understood who the sender was. It was Snake.

I know you want to save your cute girlfriend Kaito Kid, no, Kuroba Kaito.

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