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Here is the next part. It is totally based on Kaito and Aoko. Hope you will like it.

Happy Reading!

'Damn it! This one is also not Pandora.' The Arsene Lupin of Japan yelled in disgust while flying on his glider in the dark night after stealing another precious jewel.

He was trying to find Pandora and his Dad Kuroba Toichi's killers since few years. This night was also his successful heist but yet another failure because he wasn't able to find Pandora.

'I should return it back.' He sighed and turned his glider to Nakamori Keibu's house.

As he jumped in the gallery of Nakamori's house, he was able to see silhouette of sleeping Aoko, Nakamori Keibu's beautiful daughter.

'Aoko is already sleeping. Thank God, now I can keep the jewel safely.' He whispered to himself and slowly opened the door of the gallery leading to her room.

Her room was really tidy. Everything was kept in place.

'Geez, Aoko always keeps her room tidy. She should help me cleaning mine too.' He thought to himself. 'What I am thinking? Idiot Kaito, think about where to keep the jewel and letter.'

He searched for a good place where Keibu or Aoko could find the jewel and letter easily.

'Aoko's study table would be good.'

Slowly he started walking towards Aoko's study table not trying to make any noise that would wake Aoko up. Keeping the jewel and letter on the table, he turned to leave the house when he looked at Aoko.

She was sleeping peacefully. Nakamori Keibu was not at home yet. Aoko has slept waiting for him. he looked at her innocent face.

'Man, she looks so innocent when she is sleeping otherwise she looks like a dangerous witch.' He thought to himself and kept looking at her.

'What the hell am I doing? I need to leave this place or else I will be caught.' He left.

Finally, going back to his house, Kaito changed his Kaito Kid's costume and lied on the bed and took his phone. There were many messages, missed calls from various people. 2-3 missed calls were from his mom, Chikage Kuroba and 1 message asking about his heist. 7-8 missed calls were from Aoko and then there was 1 message from her asking him where he was and if he had his dinner or not and if he was okay. There was 1 message from Kudo Shinichi telling him about the Black Organization's rechecking of drugs.

He replied to every message and went to sleep tired from the heist.

The next day-:

"Kaito, wake up!" he was still asleep and Aoko was trying to wake him up, "KAITO!" she yelled in his ear.

Jerked with the sudden noise he sat in his bed, "Geez Aoko, can't you feel good if I am sleeping? Why do you have to wake me up with such noise?" Kaito said, irritated by her.

"Its 11 am Kaito and you haven't had dinner last night. Aren't you hungry? Come on, get fresh fast. I have made breakfast for you." saying this she went in the kitchen and heated the breakfast she had bought for him.

Kaito was looking at her.

'If it hadn't been Aoko always there for me, my life would be a mess.' He smiled looking at Aoko's figure working in the kitchen.

He got freshen up. He and Aoko then sat together for the breakfast.

"Kaito, where were you last night? I called you so many times." Aoko asked him worried about him.

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