Before the big day

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Chapter 8-Before the big day

Place: Kudo's Mansion

The FBI, TMPD Criminal Department, Public Security Bureau had gathered. Rei and Shiho were also present. They were discussing the plan regarding the attack on Black Organization. Shiho was standing in a corner listening to their discussion.

"We need to know how many people are in there. And whether their Boss is there or not." Akai Shuichi said.

"That, you can leave it to me." Furuya smirked. "I am still Bourbon for them. Moreover, we need to distract black organization members so you guys can march in without any problem. Kaito Kid won't be enough." He added further and everyone got into thinking.

"I will be the one to distract them." Shiho stepped forward. "And if they came to know that Sherry has been found, Boss and Rum will be there too. Bourbon can inform in early about it."

"NO!" Akai, Shinichi and Rei yelled in unison. Akai and Shinichi both looked at Rei taken aback by his response. Even Shiho was surprised.

"Why? It sounds like a perfect plan." She asked.

"We can't use you for that Shiho." Akai replied.

"Shuu-nii, please!" she still insisted.

After Akai talked about his identity to Shiho. He told her everything about their mothers' relation and that they are actually cousins. Since then, Shiho calls him Shuu-nii.

"Oi Shiho! When we said no, then it's a no! They can even try to kill you!" Shinichi told her.

Shiho sighed.

"I think it's a good plan!" Furuya changed his thoughts.

"Furuya-san, you were disagreeing before!" Shinichi pouted.

"Yes, but then I thought that this work great!"

"What if they try to kill her?" Akai asked.

"Then I promise I will save her putting my life at stake." He replied with a serious expression.

At first Akai and Shinichi thought that he is trying to act cool but his expressions told something else. He was serious. Shiho was looking at Rei, astonished and feeling a little relieved.

Shinichi just smiled and replied, "I am okay with this plan then."

Akai had to agree over it. The discussion continued little more. After the preparations were done, Shiho went in the gallery. She stood there looking at the moon. She can't help but feel scared. She don't want anyone to get hurt because of her anymore and moreover she don't want anyone to die. Her eyes widened when she imagined the people, she loves lying covered in blood.

"No!" she screamed as she covered her face letting the tears out of her eyes. "I don't want anyone to get hurt!"

"Shiho?" she heard someone calling her and she quickly wiped her tears moved her gaze towards the moon. It was Furuya Rei. He could tell that she was scared, and crying.

He slowly walked towards her and stood beside her looking at the moon. He took 2-3 glances towards her. She seemed sad too.

"Feeling scared?" he asked. "It's obvious though." He added.

"I'm worried about others." She told him slowly.

"I know." He replied.

"I don't want anyone to get hurt or die. I am worried sick about Kudo-kun, Shuu-nii" further with a very slow volume she added, "and you!"

Rei's eyebrows raised in surprise and then a small smile formed on his lips.

"You're worried about me, huh?" he asked her.

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