Identity Discovered!

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Shinichi /Conan came to know about Kaito's mother's sudden death. He went to meet him.

'I hope he doesn't do anything rash.'

Kaito opened the door a few seconds later as soon as Conan pressed the bell.

"Ah! Ku...Conan-kun?!" Kaito was shocked to see the little Tentei-kun suddenly at his house.

"Can I come in?" Conan asked him.

"Yes of course."

They both went inside. The house was a mess.

"Aoko-Neechan?" Conan called Aoko who was making something in kitchen.

"Ah! Conan-kun, what are you doing here?" she was shocked to him as well she came in the hall. She had only met him at Kaito Kid's heists.

"I came to meet Kaito-Niisan." He said in a bit of childish tone which now sound more matured.

But, she always wondered if he is really just a normal child.

"I heard about Chikago-san's death. So, I came to meet Kaito-Niisan and see if he is doing well." He smiled sadly.

"I see. Arigatou, Conan-kun." She smiled back.

"No, thanks to Aoko-Neechan for taking care of Kaito-Niisan when he needed you."

Aoko didn't spoke anything but her cheeks turned a tint of red and Kaito was embarrassed as well.

"Aoko, bring something for Conan-kun to eat." Kaito said to break the embarrassment.

She nodded and went back in the kitchen. Kaito and Conan went in Kaito's room.

"Kuroba, are you fine?" he asked rather in a low tone so Aoko would not be able to hear what they are speaking.

Kaito nodded as he looked down at the floor.

"Kuroba, I can understand how you are feeling right now. I cannot reduce your pain. But I can assure you that we will do anything to take revenge."

"Arigatou, Kudo!" Kaito forced a flat smile.

Shinichi smiled as he gave an assuring nod.

"Conan-kun, here're your snacks." Aoko entered with plates for Conan and Kaito.

"Arigato Neechan!" he thanked her and Aoko smiled in return.

"I will just come. I have to call Jii-san." Kaito told them as he went outside the room.

Aoko was looking worried about Kaito.

"Aoko-neechan?" Conan called for her.


"You are worried about Kaito-niisan, ne?"

"Haai. I have been with him since we were kids. We have been together through a lot. When his dad died, he was broken 'cause he loved and adored his dad more than anyone else, then his mom left him alone and went to Las Vegas. And now, he lost the only family he had. He is alone and I'm really worried about him." Aoko told him.

"As long as Aoko-neechan is there with him, I am not worried about Kaito-niisan." Conan smiled at her as she looked at him. "Kaito-niisan can rely on you Aoko-neechan. Though he always fight with you, tease you, I can tell that he loves you a lot and really care for you. So, Kaito-niisan is not alone till you are with him and I know that you will never let him be alone 'cause you love him too."

Aoko was speechless. This little kid was able to understand her feelings so purely though they are not that close.

"Jaa, I shall take my leave now. Jaa ne, Aoko-neechan." Conan bid her goodbye. "Kaito-niichan, I am leaving." He shouted.

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