Love brings happiness

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At Kudo's Mansion-:

Shinichi and Ran were in his room. She was dressing his small wounds.

"Ran, I wanted to tell you something important." He told her.

"Shinichi, I know most of the things. So, don't push yourself. Take proper rest today, we can talk later." She was sitting beside him on his bed.

"No Ran, I am fine. All these wounds are small scratches. I want to tell you everything, now!" he insisted.

Ran just nodded and listened to everything what Shinichi had to say. Most of the basic things were as she suspected. He continued explaining about the organization and the people involved. He then talked about Haibara Ai being Miyano Shiho. Ran had also expected this because Ai chan was much more matured than a normal elementary student. He told her how Heiji and Kaito Kid had also helped him lot of times. Also, Amuro-san and Okiya-san who were actually undercovers from PSB and FBI respectively. This was something Ran didn't expect. The mission included PSB and FBI and that was surprising. She kept looking at him awestruck as he told her lot of things.

"I know it's too much to take in one go Ran, I will keep on telling you little by little." He let out a sigh.

"It's okay Shinichi, I can understand. We have a lot of time together now, don't we?" she chuckled.

He looked at her and smiled. "Yes Ran, we have lot of time together!" he held her hands and pressed them a little.

"Ran, I know it's very late but I still haven't officially asked you." Shinichi said.

She looked at him with a question mark on her face.

"Can you be my girlfriend, Ran?" he asked her out.

"Aren't we dating already?" she asked.

"We are but I didn't properly ask you out so." He sheepishly chuckled.

"I don't think it is necessary Shinichi. I love you!" she leaned forward and hugged him.

He hugged her back smiling. "I love you way too much Ran!"

It was over, for him, for Shiho, for Ran. The wait was over. And now their new life is going to start.

At the Hospital in Furuya's ward-:

"You became my reason to live as Miyano Shiho, Furuya-san!" she wiped her tears with another hand not letting go of his hand.

Still fresh tears rolled out of her eyes and fell down on his hand. Her eyes were closed so she couldn't feel the smiley face that was looking at her. Furuya Rei was awake when she was talking about her feelings. He clenched her hand that was holding his. She opened her eyes and looked at him.

"Furuya san, are you okay? Does the wound hurt?" she asked with concern.

"Ah, the wound is fine. The bullet just scratched my shoulder so it will be fine." He chuckled.

"Just scratched? What if the bullet hit your heart or head? How can you be so clumsy? Who asked you to endanger your life for someone else?" she was basically yelling at him.

"I was just keeping my promise to a certain someone."

Shiho remembered the promise he made to her. "Baka (Idiot)!" she started sobbing again.

"Don't cry, I am really fine!" he smiled.

There was a pause.

"You were always my reason to live Shiho." He said turning away his gaze from her. she looked at him. "I became a PSB officer and then an undercover in the organization for searching you. I wanted to save the last person important to me. Although, we had never meet before, you were important to me because you are a part of the Miyano family which is precious to me. It was my goal to save you from the organization. But then the goal changed when you became Miyano Shiho again. After that all I wanted was you to be happy and smiling always. And I wanted to become the reason for that. Since we started living together, I came to know more about you, we became closer because of the bond we shared. And I fell in love with you. I want to make you happy, Shiho!" as he was done talking, he looked at her.

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