Chapter 12

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It's been 9 months since we arrived at the City of Atlantis. We are trying to find a way around the prophecy. I sit in my study, trying to find a loophole. I sit on a comfy chair behind a desk, a medieval black and grey dress, my hair falls behind my back and my stomach showing, I am at 9 1/2 months. Demon-vampire hybrids take up to 10 months due to their dark magic energy. I hear a knock on my door and I see Ryan come in his black and grey medieval attire. I chuckle and kiss him. He smiles and takes my hand.

"Wanna take a walk, my Queen?" Ryan asks. I smile and nod. Ever since we got here, we've been called King and Queen due to our being reincarnations of the royals.

"So, any news on a battle strategy?" I ask Ryan. Ryan sighs and shakes his head.

"We need to get more soldiers. Remember that we are going against 2 races," Ryan says. I nod as I hold my stomach. I don't want to lose my children. I faintly hear footsteps marching very fast towards our direction. I tune my hearing to hear that it is a larger group of people running. I look to Ryan, and he nods.

"Guards, take Amelia to her chambers and do not let her out. No matter what," Ryan says and changes into his vampire form. The guards walk as they surround me. I tune my mind in with Ryan's. We found out we can read minds and speak through thought.

"Let me know when you are okay," I tell him. I could tell he nodded and the guards open up my door. Two female guards, along with Wendy, follow me into my room, while the rest guarded the doors. The room with golden marble floors and a king size bed with red and black silk sheets. There is a giant window in the shape of a pentagram with the sides curved and it shows a demon girl kissing a vampire man. I turn to Wendy, wanting to know what is going on.

"I can tell you're worried. It was only a matter of time before we were found," Wendy says and my eyes widen.

"You knew we were being watched?! And you never told us?!" I scream in anger, feeling my dark energy rising. I could tell my eyes were glowing a deep red, and my energy rose to show her who is in charge.

"Yes, and no. It's complicated," she rambles, pacing. I clench my fists and sit down on my bed. The silk of the red and black bed sheets felt smooth and calming under my hands. I take deep breaths and close my eyes.

After a few minutes, I felt calm. I turn my attention to Wendy, even though I was calm, I'm not going to let her go without an explanation.

"Explain, now," I growl. Wendy nods and sits next to me."Alright. I knew that the Councils was on our trail, but we couldn't find how close they were behind us. I knew of their plan, but they kept changing every detail, and I could tell they were trying to throw us off. But if I knew that they found us, I would have told you and Ryan both as soon as I heard of it," Wendy explains. I nod and I heard a bang on the door. I rush to my feet and look to Wendy. Wendy rushes to stand in front of me and she starts doing hand movements while speaking in a foreign language. A giant pentagram forms on the floor and glows a bright purple. Wendy's hands were out and the wind blows around the room. More from on the walls, windows, and doors."Don't worry my Queen. If they touch you, they will pay," Wendy growls and the wind became stronger. I change into my demon form and I see the doors burst open. Every one of the guards that bust through the door forms a pentagram on their forehead."You shall return to your Head Council Member and admit to your defeat!" Wendy instructs. Those who were under her control kneel down and place their hand over their heart. Those behind them tried to fly over but there was a barrier.

"Now before you admit defeat, fight for our King and Queen! Fight against this pointless war!" Wendy yells. They nod and turn to fight who was once their allies. I hear movement above us.

"Wendy, does the spell apply to the ceiling?" I ask, ready to fight. Wendy looks back at me.

"No, why?" she asks. It was like it was in slow motion. I hear the roof crumble and I quickly grew my wings, flying towards Wendy. I wrap my arms around her and fly away from the debris of the ceiling. I set Wendy down and everything plays at its normal pace. I turn around to see my Father standing in front of me. His eyes narrow and I see that he is staring Wendy down. He slowly walks to go towards her but I stand in front of her.

"Dangerous move Amelia," he growls. His eyes glow red and I stood my ground.

"Hello Allen, that is your true name. Right?" I ask. Allen chuckles and stares me down.

"You changed Amelia. You're completely different, The glowing red eyes, the claws, just the kind of child I wanted. You're like me," Allen says.

I chuckle and then growl, "how would you know? You left me! Once you left my life, I thought I drove you to the grave, now I realize, you are no Father of mine. You may be the Father of the reincarnation of Queen Cristiana through blood, but you'll be the enemy of both races when I'm finished with you!" I scream. My cry became a ripple that made Allen fall backward. He looks at me with wide eyes.

"How the hell did you do that? What are you?" Allen screams. I hear Wendy chuckle and she glares at Allen with a wicked grin.

"I cast an enchantment on her. I enhanced her ability to use powers to be passed down the royal line. A power that will be granted to only the pure-hearted," Wendy explains. Allen frowns and slowly walks to me. Wendy gets up and leans her mouth to my right ear.

"Now remember, you must use what comes naturally. That's the only that it'll work," Wendy whispers. I nod and I see Wendy back up. I close my eyes, and I feel this strange presence. I open my eyes to see Allen in full demon mode. He flies to me and I grow my wings. I need to be careful so I don't go into labor. Allen swings his claws to me and I duck. I swing a kick into his side and a full left hook to his face. I swing punches and kicks at Allen at an inhuman rate. Then I hear Ryan scream. I turn to his direction but that was a mistake. Allen's claws clawed my stomach. I yell in agony, making Allen fly through the window. I fall to the floor and hold my stomach. Wendy casts a spell that controls the enemy and they walk to the dungeon.

"I'm sorry I didn't do that earlier. I'm sorry my Queen," Wendy whispers. I look to see Ryan running to my aid.

"Ryan, she's losing blood. We need to get the babies out," Wendy says. Ryan nods and there I lay. I can feel my body trying to heal me, but it will kill the babies if they stay in me. I let Wendy cast an enchantment that lets the babies be born naturally. They take me to the hospital wing. I feel pain building up in my stomach, making me scream in agony.

Once we arrive, all the nurses and doctors come to prepare for the birth of their Prince and Princess. Ryan holds my hand as everything goes on. It's like slow motion, and I can't think straight. Everything starts to get fuzzy and the voices become far away. Mumbles are all I hear.

"The nurses say to push," Ryan tells me through thought. I nod and as I push, it hurts where it is unbearable. I could hear my screaming but it's slowly faint. I can't hear what the nurses are saying. I try to push, but my body is growing weak.

"Amelia, you're losing blood. Just hold on a little longer! For me, for the babies! Please?!"

I can't, I can't, I just can't. I push very hard and I faintly hear a cry. The next 3 pushes and the other baby was out. I pant and I feel tired. My eyes are growing heavy and my body goes limp.

"Amelia, stay awake. Please?" I just nod but it becomes more difficult. My eyes close shut and I breathe one more sentence.

"Take care of Serenity and Dylan," I breathe as I drift out of consciousness. I won't wake up for a while.

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