Chapter 6

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I cuddle with Ryan on the way to the campsite. We cuddle in the back seat of the van, a smile on my lips. They were going to cancel the trip, but I convinced them that this isn't as bad to me as it is to them. That my perspective of this being this worst is not possible.

"So how are you love birds back there?" Cameron asks.

"We're good dad," Ryan says. I chuckle and we arrive. It's surrounded by trees and a lake is just down the hill. There is a little clearing and we start to set up the tents. There are 3 tents. Evelyn and Cameron, Lily and Greg, and Ryan and I. Once that was set up, Cameron and Ryan start to put up a burning barrel while Evelyn, Lily, and Greg got firewood. I had to sit down because of my broken ankle and I might have damaged it more for running to save Greg. I sit on a fold-up chair and think back to that girl.

"I'm you."

I shake my head. If she is really me, then why must I be bound? Bound to what? I felt another wave of dizziness. She might be in my head, calling for me. I close my eyes and let it take over.


I notice I'm still in the chains and my chest is covered in dried up blood. I turn, seeing that girl.

"You say you're me," I state. She snickers and walks up to me. What's with her?

"Correct, but in about 4 hours, I'm calling you back for training. Do you think you're just given step 3? Believe me when I say that it might come easy but you must work for this power," she explains.

"What if I don't want this power?" I ask. She frowns as if she wanted to hear that I want it. She charges up to me and was about to stab me with the dagger. Somehow, as if it came naturally, me right-hand breaks from the chains. I block her attack and got my other hand, and legs out of the chains. Her eyes are wide but quickly replaced with satisfaction.

"You may not want it, but you were born with it honey," she says. She swings her leg out to knock me over, but I grab her ankle and knock her down. She grabs my ankle, pulling me down. She punches my face, but I kick her off. She runs at me again, I dodge but grasp her upper arm, and dress, throwing her over my shoulder.

"Now, if you say you're me, then what the hell am I?!" I yell. She looks at me, her eyes red, fangs protruding from her lips and nails grow longer, to make it look more like claws.

"You dear, are a demon. If you thought vampire, you're wrong," she says. My eyes widen, I'm a demon? Then that explains why I was cast out. I look at her, wanting more information.

"Why do you say, vampire? You do look like one," I say.

"Actually, wrong again. If you compare us to the vampires as seen on television, then you are no more than a mere child at your education on your own race. So very well, I'll teach you, not only of demons but a vampire as well. Our enemies but your bond to one, which is very rare," she explains. We sit down on the stone and she takes a deep breath.

"Demons," she says, "are creatures that are in religion and also myths. Some say that our skin is red and when we possess creatures of other races, then their eyes turn black. That vampires have red eyes. Though they are wrong. Demons hold red eyes while vampires hold black. We can possess other creatures as vampires can control them. We both have fangs, as we both drink blood and use our fangs to mark our mates. We are the same in strength, agility, and power but as well as our pride. We don't take orders from other races and use our power to make sure they know where they stand. As you would see it, we use it for reinforcement that our power and standing of our ranks are much higher, but as vampires and demons hold equal strength and both are damned, we fight as to see who is the supreme being. Though every 100 years, a vampire and demon are chosen to try and make amends, but none, so far, have succeeded. The genders change every time. You're not reincarnations of those of the past but only chosen to try and end the war. An endless cycle made by the Head Council of the Witches."

"Wow, so Ryan and his family are vampires, but my family is demons. What about my mother?" I ask.

"You're mother and father are both demons. Your father died trying to protect you, but to the humans, the cover story was of a suicide. If we would have labeled it murder, then we would cause an uproar," she states.

"So, you're my inner demon. Like wolves in some books?" I ask.

"In a way, yes. I find it partially insulting that you compare our species to a work of literature by a human, but I will give you credit for connecting the dots before I explain it," she says. I find it weird that I am talking with myself, but in a way, I'm not? Nothing has made sense before. I always thought that I did something wrong to drive Dad away to the grave and that others saw or knew something, casting me out. So since they are on lower status, they can sort of sense a dominant aura, but they see it as Witchcraft and art of the unknown.

"Amelia," she says, grabbing my attention, "when you wake up, I will give you the ability to transform when you really need it. There is a threat close to you but fight it, your ankle is healed since the power surged through you already." she starts to fade, and next thing I know, a power courses through me. Though, immediately I knew how to use it.


I wake up and see everyone racing around. Ryan looks at me frantically.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"A demon is here," Ryan says. I turn to see a guy with black hair, red eyes, claws, and fangs. I slowly get up.

"A threat is close to you."

I felt the power, and let it take over. I walk up to the threat, and he smirks.

"What's a little pretty demon doing here with a bunch of vamps? Come hang out with your kind," he says. I look to them, knowing they're scared. I wink, signaling to follow.

"Well, I needed a nap. Girl's got to get her beauty sleep. Especially to look pretty for someone," I say, running my hand up to his chest. He smirks about to kiss me, but I hold up a finger.

"Not yet darling. Got friends?" I ask. If he's got friends, I need to get Greg and Lily to safety.

"Just my bud, Chase. I'm Allen by the way," he says, hands to my waist. I can tell Ryan isn't liking this one bit. I look at him, putting my hand behind my back. I snake my hand up behind his neck. I hold up 3 fingers behind my back. He leans in, but I didn't fill the gap. 2 fingers. His eyes closed and mine only close enough to make it look like I'm going to kiss him. 1 finger. He was a centimeter away until I signaled now. I grab the back of his neck, baring my fangs at him.

"You bare your fangs at your own race?!" Allen yells.

"Only to bastards!" I growl. I raise my leg, knocking him over. Ryan and Cameron hold him down. Evelyn comes up to him and digs her claws into his chest. I grab Greg and Lily, taking them to the car. They start to cry.

"AAAAAHHH!!!!!!!!" Lily yells. I turn to see a guy with blonde hair and red eyes. I kick him back, guarding Lily and Greg. He gets up charging up to me. I stand my ground, once he was within arm's length, I grab his shirt and shoulder, kicking above him. I secure my grip and toss him into a tree. I land, knees slightly bent. I get the kids in the car, locking it. I stay with them, keeping them safe. I hear the window smash and arms yank me out.

"Come here, princess!" I think Chase says. I use my claws, digging them into his chest. I would only turn on my race, so I can give them the greater good. He glares at me, grabbing my hand, smirking.

"Wait til the council hears of your doing," he says. I smirk, letting my red eyes bleed into his. I felt like I was being pulled into his body. I let my soul linger through his eyes and I start moving around.


I turn to see Ryan running up to attack Chase's body. I start destroying his body from the inside out. I laugh hysterically as his screams match with my laughter. Ryan stops as my soul goes back to my body. I look to Ryan, feeling my eyes droop.

"You used too much power," Ryan says.

"I know, I had to keep Lily and Greg safe," I say, falling to my sleep.

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