CH 7 family matters

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A few hours later

I wake up to the captain and moccora arguing about whether they should leave or not.

"Im not leaving her behind" the captain said with a stern voice.

"Well your going to have to, she ain't waking up." Mis moccora said trying not to upset the captain any more.

"The blade she got stabbed with hit 3 important arteries and injected a poison we are not familiar with." She added. Lindsey was sitting next to the bed and asleep with her head on Kinleys shoulder who was awake but watching TV and listening to the captain and Moccora. I start thinking to myself of what the poison may be and where he got it. Sure scrooge is rich but why would he go out of his way to make an Elixir of death for me. Thats stupid, unless he is just using me for his prototype. I sit up quickly regardless of the pin I needed to make sure they got him.

Kinley, moccora, and the captain eyes go straight to me as I stand up. I grab my stomach where I had been stabed and try standing straight. It hurt but I always ignore it.

"S sir" I tryed saying as my vision went dark. I almost collapse again but the captain caught me.

"T thanks" i manage to get out. Why ain't I healed yet I wondered as Morocco stood there speechless. I suddenly remembered I have to warn him.

"S sir, s scrooge is he." Was all I got out before his face caught my attention. It looked as if he had been crying. I'm confused and worried. I grab his face and wipe one that slipped out.

"Why, why are you crying" I ask honestly surprised. He chuckles.

"Im just glad your ok" he said as he gave me a warm embrace. Right about then Lindsey woke up to Kinley shaking her. She woke up slowly and one her eyes open and saw me she hugged me right along with the captain. Even Kinley joined. Moccora stood there trying to say something thing but as she opened her mouth the words wouldn't come out. Finally she yelled ,

"YOU WERE DEAD NOT AN HOUR AGO, THE POSION IN YOU IS ROTTING YOUR INSIDES!!!" as she tryed calming down chi walks in by then we have split up the hug. The captain stood beside me and Lindsey was by Kinley. Chi smiles.

"See i told you Kinley knows what she's talking about." He said trying to hide the worry on his face. The captain nodded and looked at me.

"What were you trying to say som?" He asked wiping his face again. I looked him as my mind went blank. I try to remember what I was going to say wen it came to me. I jump to my feet.

"Scrooge!!" I said with a gulp. "Did they get Scrooge." I asked worried. The captain looks at chi.

"Thats actually why I came here," Chi said as he gulped. ''It was a clone, it wasn't him." He added. His hands shaking. My eyes pierces at him as my mind race. I move the captain and get up.

"Where's my uniform?" I asked in a serious tone. Chi handed it to me and looked at me confused. I thro on my coat and zip up. As I stop to the door I pause and look at the captain.

"What are you lollygagin for, we got a ship to launch." I said in a tone that told them that I wasn't going to stop. The captain followed me along with the others behind him. I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"What are you going to do about scrooge?" The captain asked worried. I give him a smirk that makes you question how nice of a person I am.

"Im going to settle these family matters once and for all." The main doors opened. The captain stood there as I walked in and ploped in my chair getting the ship ready. The captain walks in, sits down and lets out a deep breath. He looks around.

"Come on let's get this ship out if dock." He said and everyone ran to there stations getting the ship ready for launch.

"Coms, check, airline, check, hyper speed, clear, were ready to go captain." I said looking at him with a liveless face. He nodded.

"OK let's get this baby up" he said as the engine rumbled and the passengers held on. As we hovered up I signal Chi to go with hyper speed. We pass thro and inishiate gravity. My mind races with horrible thoughts. Thought thattheworld as we know it may turn up side down. I shake my head gently. I have to focus on the ship.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2021 ⏰

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