CH 6 scrooge

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Samantha's POV

As he throws his blade on to mine I block it with my blade.
He pulls my blade up and it leaves my hand and goes in the air. I smile as he puts the blade up to my throat. "Any last words" he asked with a old smirk. "Yeah" I said smiling. The blade falls into the floor as security runs in to see this. I slowly reach for my laser blade in my belt. I pull it out slowly "slán mother fucker" I said swiping my laser across his sword. It went right through and broke in two. I kick him in the chest and he dodges it. He looks at his broken sword. He gets angry and throws it on the floor. Then wen he's not paying attention, one of the guards grab his arm and put cuffs on it. Scrooge smiles "thanks" he said and threw the guard over his back and at me. As I fly through the air I could feel the evil still in him. I hit the wall leaving a dent. As my eyes darken and my nose bleeds I get up barely able to breath I look at him and say "come... at me.... scrooge" I said as I try not to fall. I felt the air pass though me as he pierced his broken sword threw my stomach. "Haha," he laughed breathy. I felt the life leave me as the guards pulled him away and cuffed him. He laughed on his way out like a maniac."No no no" I thought. "I promised you that you would be safe." I added yelling to Som. "Its ok" said Som. "I've been trying to die for awhile."she added. "No" I said bursting into tears. I fall to my knees as my eyes lighten and som comes back.

Back to Som's POV

I could feel the pain but I just smiled as I closed my eyes. I open my eyes a little later to a bright spot light in my face. "Mmm" I groaned wen I tried to sit up. I saw a blur of what looked like Lindsey and Mis Morocco. It felt like Lindseys hand pushing me down by my shoulder and I heard her say something but it just mumbled for me. She layed me down as another person walks up with a needle and put it in my neck. "Ahh" I moaned as I fell back asleep. I had the dream from earlier the boy got me out and we went to this secret bunker under his bed. "Thanks lu...." young me said again but was interrupted by mother coming down the stairs. "Hey are you ok my child." She said pulling young me to her chest. "Yeah mom" I said hugging her. The red headed boy joined and mom put her arm around his neck. "Don't you ever forget eachother, ok" she said pulling us away. "I'll look after her she is my 3 second late twin" the boy said as he gave me a noogie. Young me laughed and went after him to tackle him. We laughed and had some fun mom chased us saying "I'm the Cerberus cyclops, I'll eat you up" we ran for hours. Later we layed down on the small bed mom put her arm out and we layed on it. She started to sing her song while playing with the boys hair. "Hush now my baby, please don't cry," she sang with nourishing notes. "I won't let you go, I will be here...till...the...end." she added twirling the boys hair that was shaved. She started to start singing again but father found our place. He stormed to mother and she pushed us away "run kids" she yelled. Young me and the boy were running towards me as father slapped mother across the face. She fell to the rough ground. Father reached down and picked mother up by her throat.

"You...." that was as far as I got before I was absurdly awoken. "Som...Som...Som" Kinley repeatedly said shaking me. "Im up young one" I said lifting my hand to her head. I felt weak as I tried to smile. "What happened" I asked in a painful tone. I move my hand from her head and onto the bed. I try sitting up but I could barely move. "DON'T move" Kinley said. She looked down at me and moved my hand on top of hers "u got stabbed and your cells are mutating" Kinley said trying not to tear up. "Oh....hell I'll be fine." I said with a brave voice."this has happened 6 maybe 7 times" I added. She raised one brow and weakly smiled. "Yep you'll be fine" she said about to bust in tears."sorry" she added and got up and ran out of their. Lindsey came in and took some blood. "I think I may have found some remarkable stuff in your blood" she said smiling. "5" I said. She looked at me. "What?" She asked tapping the vile. 5 more hrs and I can leave" I said smiling. She nodded. With a unsure smile. She took the blood and headed to the exam room.

"Theses guys worry too much" I thought as I poked the hole.
"Don't do that" she said slapping my hand. My hand Jerks back and I put a pouty face on. I take a glance at the clock. With a big sigh Jinks, the nurse that was helping Lindsey, walks in with a X-bord reading to her self and not paying attention to any one else. I could tell she's been worried by the way she looked at me after she was done reading. "Oh my Jupiter!" She said dropping the X-bord. "H how?!?!" She added walking to me in shock. "She's awake!!" She said out of breath. Lindsey nodded. "You should see it wen her heart stops."

The ladys eyes grew as her heart raced and her mind processed. I laugh and smile. "Can I leave now plsss?" I beg trying to get up. Lindsey gently pushed me down and smiled. "No Som, stay me and Jinks will be back in a moment." She said. Jinks still in shock trys to talk but can't as Lindsey leads her out. I let out a sigh and close my eyes for a another nap.

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