CH 1 the list

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Day 1

Hi I'm Somhairlin, I'm in quadrant 4, our planet is
talamh bláthanna. It means flower land. We got our name because the world is covered in flowers of all kinds. Most are helpful some are dangerous but most of them are nice. On our planet their are 5 classes,
5th is the kids and gardeners, they make sure the land is pure and full of flowers and they take care of  the bláth mháthair, it is the circle of life around here.
4th is the commons, they sorta make food and sell it they are your average person,
3rd are the ship men, they are the ones and the ships they get to go on missions with the captins.
2nd the captains, the control the ship and where the mission leads. They are also the one that recruit others if some are weak or die.
Then last but not least 1st the elders, nobody know much about them accept the captins they are the only ones who are allowed to speak to them. The elders take care of our world they also are gifted with the power of solas glas. It's pure energy if you are born with it you are haunted down and if you dont get caught you become an elder. Their use to be many elders but they all got caught and killed. Only 4 remained, and no one has been born yet with the solas glas.

But I always wanted to be at least third class. So I'm traing at scoil spáis high to be a the second commander, Which is one down from captain, I've been traing my whole life for it and today's the test to see where I go. I don't know where I'll go yet but let's hope right. As I head down the halls I see my friend Linsey. " hey Lin's" I hollered. She looks at me and smiles " Som are ya ready for the test" she asked nervously. She wanting to be a doctor on the SSI 2514. "Nope but we're gonna try right?" I ask her with stupid grin. She smiles "yep" she replied.  We talked on our way to class. "Five nóiméad till test get to class before door locks" the intercom said me and linsey ran to mister Killmers ,aka mister Kill me, class and got ready for the test.

"Few" Linsey said with relief. I sighed "few more seconds and we be goners." I said. We laph then the teacher hand out the test. 'Here goes nothing' I thought. He hands me the test and I pick up my pencil then sigh. "I can do this" I thought to myself "this is what we practice every day." I added. I open the test up with my pencil and feel the cold blue paper. My future depends on this paper. I start answering the the question. I already knew most of them but their were a few hard ones. I glance at the clock "dam, I only have 10 nóiméad left." I thought I look at the question again then check how many more I had. This was the last one wow. I look at it "how many people need to be on the ship at least." It said. "600" I wrote it down then got up. I paced my self to dark brown dest were the LTAS have wrote their name. I handed my paper to the teacher and then turn around to notice I was the only one in their. "Oh no" I thought to my self as I head out.

As I open the door I see everyone their with fear in their eyes."your the smartest student and it took you almost all 8 hours, I thought it was easy but I probably got all of them  wrong" one kid said. Another one said "was it that hard?".  They all started a few question wen the intercom screamed "all class a and b student go to your dorm, you are done for the day." The kids darted off. And I didn't followed them for one reason, I was still pretty scared of the test.

I saw Kinley's shoe and headed for her "hey K...." I started but once I got around the corner I saw Kinley pinning Linsey agent the wall kissing her neck. Linsey saw me and her eyes widened  "shoot umm, Som I" she studded for a few minutes as Kinley looked scared as she sat on the blue coded chair. I put my hand on Lindsay's shoulder and said with interest in my voice "tell me everything" Kinley looked surprised then grabbed Linsey waist "your not gunna tell?" She said pulling Linsey down on her lap. I smile "that rule is so stupid I don't care I,  personally think its cute." I said with my grin.
"But ain't ya goodie two shoes" Kinley said curiously. Linsey and I laughed "dude I swear half the stupid stuff that goes on is her" Linsey said with a laugh.

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