CH 3 day 1 on SSI 2514

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As I walked away breathing slowly so my bracelet didn't go off. "Loook its the shippp. Lindsey squealed jumping up and down. Kinley looked at her and smiled. "Yes Lindsey" Kinley said grabbing her hands. "Calm down" she added. I just snickered as we walked up to captain Paul. "I hope your ready" he said in a dark, bold, voice. The door to the SSI 2514 lowered down and you could here it realise air. As the rusty door opened you could see the inside. The door was bright white and flat. The captain waved his hand and said "come on in". We walked up to the door and it turned into stairs. Lindsey gasped then grabbed Kinsleys arm. "Ekk" she screeched. She shook Kinleys arm and Kinley just stood in amazement. "Do we need our stuff" Kinley asked while Lindsey was geeking out. The captain smiled a run while you can smile then said "no" he paused then looked at me.

"You must be Lindsey, you wanted to be a nurse correct!" He said closing his eyes and smiling a less scary smile. He then reached for hand. "I think you'll do great with your score. I tried holding in a laugh but I couldn't "HAHAHA" I bursted out laughing. "I'm sorry" I said wiping my tear. I had my hands on my knees as Kinley smiled and pointed at Lindsey,who wasn't paying attention. "Oh sorry little one" he said. Then he walked to Lindsey. She looked away from the ship to see him in front of her. "Shit" she said in a lower tone. "I wasn't going to break it." She said thinking she was in trouble. He laughed then put his hand out "you must be Lindsey" he said with a smile. She gasped "how did he know" she said looking at me and Kinley. "Lol" Kinley whispered to me. Me and her were giggling at Lindsey reaction to everything.

We walk on to the SSI and Lindsey went full geek. She walk up and name everything,and I mean everything. Me and Kinley talked till we heard him say. Lindsey you stay here, miss Morocco will show you the..." he said before Kinley butted in with "sorry to disobey you but she dosen't leave my side." She said holding Lindsey's hand. Lindsey turned red and went up to Kinley and whispered "your gonna have to get use to me being away." I laughed. He smiled "well if it makes you feel and better your right next door" he said smiling. He pointed to a window which showed the transmission room. "See, I'll be fine" Lindsey said then leaned up too Kinleys ear "I promise baby" she whispered. Kinley looked at Morocco in a 'I'll kill u'look and walked up to her. "If I come back and she's hurt, I will kill u your family and your families family, got it?" Mis Morocco rolled her eyes then nodded.

I grap Kinleys arm and we head to the transmission room. "Most of the time you'll be on the battlefield but this is where you'll be if I don't need you." He said waving her in. Kinley looked over her shoulder to the window and saw Lindsey smiling and talking to Morocco. Kinley smirked and said "I what we waiting for" she said heading in. We went in and saw this big room with alien's of all kinds. Some were barely able to fit in here some you may want watch were your going because one wrong move you may kill a nation of ir bheaga bídeacha. They are a tiny but ,ean breed of aliens. We walk in further and we see this big holigraph computer. Captain swipes up and a big book comes up in a language I never saw nor heard. I look over at Kinley who is reading it to her self. "Wow, that's English one of many earth languages" she said. "Wow" I thought to myself as her face lit up with excitement.

Kinley started  touching buttons as the captain put his arm around my shoulder and we head out. "now som" he said with a pause. He looked at me then added "you are som right?" He added with a worried smile. I laughed and smiled "yeah I'm som." I said with a smirk. I look over and Lindsey as she waved at me. I wave back and I could see the excitement on her face as she held back from jumping up and down. We head to the main deck where the main important people go. He walks me up to second in commands seat. I turn blank and he pushes my shoulder down forcing me too sit in the chair. Everyone stares at me as I look up from the computer in astonishment. They start to smile at me and clap their hands. I smile in acknowledgement. I nod my head like in the cowboy movies.
The captain looked down at me and smiled.

"This is Somhairlin, she is usually called Som, she is your new second commander so let's give her a warm welcome." He said as everyone clapped including the captain. "Welcome som" he said to me with a smile on his rough brown and orange face. "Thank you captain" I said acknowledging a thank you. Everyone came by and said hello. It was really nice I felt like like I belonged, like nobody hated me, it felt different. A slightly older than me boy walks up to me and puts out his hand. "Hello, I'm Chi moon" he said. I grab his hand and shake it with a ferm grip. He also had a fermgrip as he shook my hand. Captain puts his hand on Chi's shoulder. "This will be your combat training partner.

"Combat training" I thought that's better than captain. "Wait why me" I thought. My anxiety kicked in and I dose off with a panic attack in my head. "Boss you may want to repeat that" Chi said waving his hand in my face. I wake up from it and blink a few hundred times. "Sorry I does off after combat training" I said nervously. I felt my hands shaking. "No no no" I thought to myself. My bracelet went off and I put my hand over it. "Um you have bathroom" I asked scared. I put my arm behind my back to try to hide it. Captain Paul put his hand out "show me" he said in a deep voice. I put my arm out and roughly pulls it towards him and sees my control bracelet counting down. 10...9...8 it showed I turn my head as the captain touches the buttons on the side. 3...2 it showed I started panicking wen it fell off.

"Their" the captain said "the bomb is gone little one" he added. I started panicking again "you idiot" I said kneeling down to try putting the bracelet back on. " I need that" I said looking up at him with red eyes leaking out fire. He stepped back. "Sorry" I said as my body turned to full deamhanta. I look up at everyone scared out of my mind. Then I black out. "Hello everybody" samantha says. Samantha is my demons name. "I see we have a change in scenery. She said wiping her finger on Chi's shoulder. "Hehe" she giggled so what are we doing" she asked. She looked down and saw the bracelet. "Wow, you broke the only thing to keep you safe just wow" she said in shock. "Wen she has the bracelet on in this form she controls it I just hang out in it, seeing though her eyes." She said with a laph.

She picks it up then says "I need a 5/8ts electric spinner." She smiled putting her hand out. "What's an electric spinner?" The engineer said. "The..." she started to say wen Chi handed her a wrench. "Thank you" she said she started messing with the bracelet as everyone just stared. She fixed the bracelet and reprogrammed it. So she could see always. My demon wasn't bad she actually was my guardian. She fixes the bracelet then waves at them "bye" she said in a high pitch voice and pressed a button. She went away and I came back. I was tired so i fell back in to the chair. "Then i noticed everyone staring at me. "Umm sorry" I said nervously not knowing what she did. Chi pointed at me "your both very useful." He said. Everyone nodded in agreement. I was confused. "She didn't hurt yall?" I asked. Captain laughed. "Hurt no she fixed your bracelet, uh sorry I broke it." He said and apologized. I nodded "no problem" I said looking at the bracelet making sure she didn't change anything.

"Hu she programmed it so she could only come out wen I'm in harm." I said with a smile. "Why" I asked her in my head. "Now you don't have to worry as much." She said. I smiled "thanks" I told her. "Yep kiddo" she replied. Wen I came back to reality I realized the captain snapping his fingers in front of me. "Sorry" I said blinking. He smiled "no problem kid" he patted my shoulder then said in the CB "everyone to your stations." He ordered "release the parking break" he added. "Get ready for hover mode" he said. "Are we redy to get out of this school space lot.?" He asked me I checked the system then turned around "yes captain" I replied. He smiled "then let's go" he said. Then the hover boosters came on and we hovered above the ground lifting up high enough to hit hiper speed. I look out the window and see Kilmer waving. I smile and wave back. "Bye butt head" I whispered to myself.

As we head off I look at the hover connectors. "All connectors are intact and ready for hiper speed." Captain smiles "usually I have to ask people that." He said. I started worrying "I'm sorry I wasn't trying to be rude sir" I said thinking I offend him. "No I'm proud, you know what your doing." He said smiling. Chi leaned over "stop apologizing, trust me your ok here." He said rubbing my shoulder. He patted my back then said "ready for hyper drive." He said with a smile. Captain nodded then sat down. He put his elbow on his knee then layed his chin on his hand. "Push it" he said with a smile and a calm voice. Everyone smiled as Chi pushed the hyper handle all the way.

"Set the course to sectors 7 ,planet static." He said to the navigator. Planet static is a electric based planet. It planet runs off pure electricity. Like its core is electricity. The planet can hold and life form so I'll be ok their. They have sections on their planet for each life form and the rules here are different here. You can be anything here. You can date anyone here. This is were Lindsey and Kinley wanted to live. They always had dreams of coming here and now they will be living here.

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