ch 5 past

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I get to my dorm. I take a deep breath. Each room is made specifically to that person so mine will probably be red because they can't hold magma or so I thought. As I swipe my card and the doors open I see the room. It had a hot coals floor, With a heatwave walls, their was one big window so I could see space. I look at the bed and it's a queen size magma bed. With hard magma rock pellows and a soft warm fire blanket. Beside the bed their was a burning coal night stand. With a red coded dresser on the back wall. With my books full of notes and all my sticky notes. I laughed and shook my head. I walk over to it and I see a note.
"I found these and read a bit in your note book keep up the good work".
- Paul

"Thanks Paul" I thought to my self sighing. I sit down on the coded chair by the dresser. I look up to see tiny pale shapes on the ceiling. "What are those" I said out loud. "You will see tonight" a voice said. I look at the dresser then around the room. I see a tell me box on my nightstand. "How" I thought. "Your in for a treat Mis Adel." The box said. "Mis Adel" I thought "only my mother was called Mis Adel" I said to the box. "I don't remember much about her but I remember the song she use to sing" I added "hush now my baby, please don't cry," I sang walking to the dresser to write notes. "I won't let you go, I will be here till....the...end." I added then hummed the last bit. "So close your eyes, let's go to another world." I finished humming and was almost done writing notes. 'Captain Paul = Paul, Chi =combat trainer, Chi +Johnathan=💓' I wrote these so I won't forget.

"Would you like me to play mothers song" the box asked. "What" I asked the box. "I asked if you would like me to play the song you said your mother sung? I'm supost to record everything you say to me so I recorded it." It said. "No thank you" I said knowing that she has to report that somewhere. I stretched out then letted out a big yawn. "So how are you not burning up" I asked. "I'm made of micro fibers which allow me to withstand your heat." The box said back. I get up and walk over to it and pick it up "really they make those?" I said curiously shaking the box and examining the finer detail. "Please put me down" it said. I put it down then plop backwards on to the bed. "I'm gonna nap" I said then rolled over to sleep.

As I fell asleep I saw my father, and I saw me wen I was littler. "I'm sorry father" the young me said standing in fear. I was Shaking. He slaps me across my face and my face turns in that direction with a scar from his nail. "I wish you died in your mother's stomach." He yelled. I saw a young boy enter the room "father?" He asked. "Can sis come play with us" he asked while he held a soft precious smile. "Yeah you go play" he said looking down and away. I saw young me walk as fast as my feet could go to him. "Hurry" young me heard as he puts his arm around my back and we run outside. "Thank you lu..." that were it ended.

I woke up with a jump and their was Lindsey standing at the foot of my bed. "Kinley said she would come in but the heat would kill her" she said smiling. "Your tell me box called us because you were crying and it for some reason knew we were your friends." She added. I smile "let's get out of here before you get hurt." I said remembering Lindsey is a light source. She nodded and I grab a small blanket to cover up with and we head out. Kinley was their pacing back and forth. She looks up and and saw us. She ran towards us giving me a big hug "are you ok?"Kinley asked worried. "I'm fine just a bad dream." I told her. "JUST A BAD DREAM! SOM WE HEARD YOU CRYING, WHICH FOR THE RECORD, YOU NEVER DO" she yelled. "SO IF YOUR DREAMS ARE THAT BAD, THEN WE ARE GOING TO TALK ABOUT IT!" She added shaking me ta death.

She pulled me towards her and put her arms over my shoulders and squeezed me. "You had us worried som" she said as Lindsey joined the hug. I start to want to cry but I didn't. I smile then pat them on the shoulder "k you can let go of me now" I said trying to get out. "Hmmm nope" Lindsey said snuggling my head. "You know you guys are the only family I have left." I said smiling "so I get to tease you just as family's do" I said tickling Kinley armpit. "No no no." She said laughing. "Stop it" she added pulling away with a laugh. Me and Lindsey start attacking Kinley with tickles. As she tried to run I started yelling in a deep funny tone "you shall not run from me slow one" as we chased her around the halls. She looked back at us right as she ran into a tall old looking man. He was in dark robes and he had a cane. Kinley looked up at him "sorry mister" she said calmly and out of breath. She looked at me and Lindsey and smiled. "You guys give up" she asked smirking her face off.

I looked at the man as he glared at me. I took that as a challenge and glared into his eyes. He looked at me up and down then smiled "oh your Joy's girl." He said with a beaten up grin. "Who's Joy" I ask wondering how he knew my mother's name. He looked at me, then back down at the ground "thats a shame" he said shaking his head with doubt. "I know your father killed your mother wen u were young but" he added slowly looking up at me. "I thought you would at least remember her name" he said raising his face to face mine. I had a clear look of who he was. He smiled. Kinley, Lindsey and I all heard people coming but had to fight him. "Hello Scrooge" I said raising an eyebrow and smirking an evil smirk. "Stand behind me" I told the girls. Then I let out Samantha. "Hi" she said smiling then she pulled out her nano blades and her laser blade. The nano blades were the sharpest thing in the universe and she had two big, wide, long nano blades. They curved up to a tip that with one stroke you might be in 6 peices.

Samantha POV

I smiles at Scrooge as he pulls his dark hood off and pulls out a red dragon tooth blade. He rears back his sword and as I throw mine behind my back. "Let's go pretty boy" I said as my foot slides behind me to give me balance. I wave him to take first shot. He charges at me with his sword beside his face and the point at me. I lean to doge it and kick his spine, the kick was powerful enough it threw him across the hall into a wall. The wall cracked as he rised throwing his blade onto mine.

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