Mother Knows Best

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Today is July 31st, It was exactly one month since my fight with Draco. I didn't tell my mom, nor did I tell her who I saw at the Ministry of Magic. We hadn't talked to the Malfoy's in a long time, actually, the last time we did was the ball when I was eight.

"Y/N! Come downstairs!" My mom yelled from the kitchen. I groaned and set down the muggle book I was reading. I ran downstairs and saw my mother in the kitchen with an owl. I immediately thought I was in trouble.

"Whatever you heard Draco started it," I said quickly. My mom motioned for me to sit down at the stool. I nodded and sat down, eying the letter in her hand. She sighed and sat down next to me.

"Funny you mention the Malfoy's," She said and handed me the sleek black letter. The envelope was a nice matte black, it was closed with an "M". I pulled the letter out, wondering why the Malfoy's were contacting us. Did Draco say something to his parents?

You have been cordially invited to the August Malfoy Ball.

Date: August 10th, 1996

Please wear your best dress and suit, this is a formal event. The theme is Summer Breeze. Please respond as quickly as possible. We will be awaiting your owl.

Narcissa Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy and Draco Malfoy

"So?" My mom asked after I finished reading. "What, I mean we obviously aren't going....right?" I said. My mom sighed and got up "I already sent the owl, we're going"

My dad came from his study, I tensed up "We're going, you're just a kid you don't get a choice" He said and walked next to my mom

"I'm not going!" I protested but my father stopped me before I could go off. "We're going, end of discussion."

I could usually ignore my dad's assholeness but this was the final straw. Before I could stop myself "They're death eaters! They work for Voldemort"

My mom gasped and my father clenched his fist in anger "Do not say his name! Just because you don't want to go doesn't mean you need to make up such lies!" He yelled at me

"I',m not lying, I saw Lucius at the ministry of magic. He's working for them!" I yelled back

His face was turning red with fury "We're going, you are not going to make up such serious lies. Go to your room"

I yelled in frustration and stormed up to my room. "Don't you dare slam that door Y/N!" My father yelled out at me. I slowly closed my door and threw a figurine of Joey Jenkins, one of the chasers for The Chudley Cannons. I sighed and laid on my bed. I stared at the ceiling and tried to take deep breathes. All I could think about was seeing Draco. Especially if I have to wear a dress, I haven't had the best relationship with my body. Being in front of all those people, wearing something that showed my body.

I heard a knock at my door "Go away" I said and heard the squeaky voice of our house-elf, Deb "Sorry ma'am" She said quietly,

"Wait, no. I thought you were my parents. Come in" I said and saw the door prop open and the little brown elf stand in the doorway with a tray of tea and biscuits.

We had always taken care of our elf, we specially designed clothes for her to which we found a loophole where she could wear it and not be freed. She didn't want to be freed because she loved our family, except for my dad. My father was always mean to her so she kept her distance. She didn't do any punishments or anything. Sometimes she'd have dobby over and she cooks dinner for all of us. She still did all the cooking, cleaning, etc but we treated her well.

"I saw young master storm up to her room, I thought I would bring up treats," She said and sat next to me on my bed. I took a sip of tea "So, what do you think about everything"

She gasped lightly, we were nice but never asked for her opinion on anything. " I think both masters are right, I remember when the master was young and cried over the mean malfoy boy," She said

I took a bite out of a biscuit "I don't have a choice, I am so nervous Deb" I said. She smiled an ugly smile and looked over at me "It'll be alright, when you get back I'll make you a treat!" She said and got up, putting the tray on my bed. I poured a little sugar in my tea and took a sip looking at her, knowing she got an idea. Her eyes sparkled when she got a new recipe idea or just an idea to be helpful.

"I go now! I start coming up with the idea for a treat" she said and scurried out of the room, leaving my door open.

I sighed and got up to close it. I saw my mom and I was about to close it when she stopped me. "You got a letter," She said and handed me a letter. I opened it and sighed, seeing the "M" stamp. "I hope they uninvited us," I said quietly, my mom heard and slapped me n the back of the head "okay okay, I'm sorry" I laughed quietly

Dear Y/N

Hello dear, it has been a while since I have seen you. Our house elf keeps asking if we want mango juice.

I'm writing this letter to invite you to my house in two days to prepare for the ball, Your family may stay at the Manor. I have a few gowns I would love to give you.

I know it's hard between you and Draco. His father doesn't notice but he talks about you a lot, so I think that I would send this to give you a few gowns and also to get Draco to stop talking about you.

Your mom already accepted but I would like to know your reply.

Take care, Narcissa Malfoy

I smiled at the letter, I knew it would be awful between Draco and me but I, even if I would never admit it out loud, I really miss Narcissa. My mom smiled at me "Look I know you don't want to go but.."

"I accept," I said and my mom smiled "Great! I'll send an owl, get packed!" She walked out of the room. I grabbed my case and packed clothes and in a small pocket, I put the ring Draco gave me.

I looked over at the clock, it read "23:19". I sighed and got into my pajamas, shorts, and a tank top, and put my hair up. I laid in bed and immediately fell asleep, thinking about the ball.

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