Wait For It

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6k reads, it doesn't even feel real. I am so surprised and thankful. The thought of people reading this amazes me. I am so thankful for all of you!!!!!!!!! I could write a whole paragraph but for one, I'm lazy, and two, y'all just want to read the story so yeah. Enjoy!!!

The week following, after the toast with Spencer, I could feel myself drifting away from him. I still studied with him but I was in my dorm more than often. Time went by much faster, one hour felt like a minute and I somehow didn't know how to stop the time from passing by me.

Luna noticed of course, but I just made up excuses such as,

"I'm behind on schoolwork"

"I'm really tired"

"I'll be out later"

These were far from the truth, but I couldn't bring myself to the actual truth that I don't want to admit that I am doubting good friendship so I'm avoiding everyone around me, which in turn might ruin the good reputation I have worked so hard on. Then I question whether or not I was ever happy. 

So, instead of voicing my issues, I just went to sleep.


"Wake up!" Luna said, before throwing a pillow at me. I woke up with a start and threw it back

"What! What!" I whined, frustrated and tired at the same time

"You're going out with me today. You haven't been out of your room for a week and before you say it, you aren't tired, or behind on schoolwork."

I sighed and got up "Why do you hate me being happy Luna, I'm good avoiding all my problems"

"Yeah, but your friends aren't, Neville, I, and even Spencer have been worried sick. " She said and threw me a brush which I caught and began using

"I understand you and Neville but do we even know Spencer that well? Have we even seen him and Malfoy in the same room?" I said and threw the brush back

Luna stared at me in shock before sighing "So that's what it's about, I love you but your trust issues will be the death of you." She sat me down on the bed before taking a seat next to me "Has Spencer ever given you a reason not to trust you? The man-made you a picnic"

"That could be a plot! He could be trying to figure out my favorite food to trick me! You never know!" I defended myself quickly but quieted down as Luna took my hand and looked at me

"Y/N. I think he's a good guy, and if he isn't, then you can leave me as well. Your reasons not to trust him is that he could be noting your favorite food as blackmail and that he could be Draco in disguise...are you hearing yourself?" She said and I laid back

"If he stabs me in the back, I will stop reading the quibbler and you will lose your place as my Maid of Honor," I said but hid a smile, we took a second before laughing quietly


I didn't see Spencer at breakfast but then again I was very late, so late in fact that when I got there they were all out of pastries.

I turned in my DADA essay, ignoring Snape's small comment about not doing as well as usual. When it was finally Lunch I was actually excited because I knew I was attempting to get better.

I shoved my books into my bag as I walked down the hall, I was rearranging my books when Spencer came behind me I didn't notice.

"Y/N!" He said excitedly, making me jump consequently dropping my bag. I heard glass shatter, I sighed as I turned around "Hey" I said and bent down cleaning the ink before standing back up 

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