The Girl in the Mirror

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It had been a few days after Draco and I's...fight. We still talked in front of our parents but when they left we were dead silent. I knew that if I talked I couldn't help but be sarcastic. Today is August 6th, 1996. I still remember how fast my heart was beating when Draco had me at his mercy.

"Y/N, Can you come here?" Narcissa called from the dressing room. I walked in and saw her standing with a beautiful light blue dress in her hand.

"Narcissa it is beautiful!" I exclaimed, "who's it for?" I walked up to it and felt the dress

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"Narcissa it is beautiful!" I exclaimed, "who's it for?" I walked up to it and felt the dress

"It's for you! I got it from cissy and I don't wear blue. Draco told me you were a Ravenclaw so I think you would like blue!'"

I froze, the dress was beautiful but I wasn't sure if it would be beautiful on me. The dress projected all my insecurities.

"Okay! Go get changed" She said and pushed me into a room. I noticed the was a huge full-length mirror, great.

I stared at myself in the mirror, I often avoided them. I project a sense of confidence but it's just a mask, similar to the one that Draco has, the mask that ignores everything we hate about ourselves. I didn't use to always be like this but years of being around girls that I believed were prettier than I ruined my confidence.

I put on the dress, I looked at how it complimented my skin tone, as that was the only thing I thought it complimented I didn't like what I was seeing. The dress was absolutely beautiful but...not on me. I walked out and Narcissa turned around and smiled

"Oh, you look beautiful!" She said and brought me up to a wedding-style mirror. She stood behind me. I stared at myself and looked down. "What's wrong?" She asked.

"'s just beautiful" I mumbled, she looked at me for a second, opened her mouth to speak. Suddenly she turned around "Shoo! Get out of here Draco! It's supposed to be a surprise!". I turned around to see Draco standing there, staring at me, his eyes looked me up and down. There was a different look in his eyes, one different from the angry, or happy, or even sad eyes. No, this one I didn't recognize, we looked at each other for a second before the door closed.

I felt really insecure and upset. I already didn't like how I looked and now Draco saw me. I blinked back tears, but not fast enough. Narcissa noticed and sat me down.

"Y/N what is wrong, and don't say it's the beauty of the dress or that you are tired." She said as I opened my mouth to object

I stared at her for a second before I started. I started by saying how Draco and I fought at school for 5 years but something had changed this year. Whereas our fights were usually petty things they were getting more serious. I noted getting caught at the DA and the way Draco looked at me, and how he glared at Umbridge after he found out about what she did to me.

"Did what?" Narcissa asked, her face full of concern. I showed her my hand, coincidently the same hand Draco had taken a few days before. She read the message and the concern turned to anger. "continue." she said point blankly, I told her about the fights we had and how we stopped holding back. I talked about how we actually became friends but didn't tell anyone because of the reputation Draco had to uphold. Lastly, I talked about the black lake but instead of talking about seeing Lucius, I said that I had heard him spreading lies about me.

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