The Bathroom Fight

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Hours later I told Luna about the fight after potions, I expressed my frustration at the increasingly rude comments

"You could end it if you just ignored him We both know he lives for arguing people, especially you," Luna said

I looked down at my food, deep down I knew she's right but, I didn't want to stop arguing with him. The fights were entertaining until lately where it felt like there was something deeper below the surface, and whatever it was I needed to figure out before it went too far.

"I know I could, know how much I hate when people, specifically him, talk bad  about you and Neville"

"But Y/N you don't have to defend us all the time. We can do it on our own." Luna said grabbing my hand and squeezing it

I nodded and took a bite of my toast, just like the morning before my mind was full of thoughts.   I hate Draco Malfoy with every inch of my being, but lately...his words felt like a dagger in my heart. I kept hearing his voice in my head,

"I'm going to head to the loo," I said quickly and got up to go the bathroom. Luna's eyebrows knitted together but she kept talking to Neville. I ran to the bathroom and stood in front of the mirrors.

I looked at the person in front of me, it looked like me but I didn't feel like myself. Why was I letting someone like Malfoy make me feel like this. I am proud of who I am, I worked hard to get where I'm at and if Malfoy was going to continue...

"Wow, and here I thought you couldn't get any uglier" he sneered interrupting my thoughts

I looked in the mirror and gripped the counter in anger, just as I was feeling better about myself he had to speak. During five years of our fights, he had said awful things before but..for some reason, him attacking me while I obviously can't fight back was just too much. It was easy for me to fight back most days.

Today wasn't one of those days where I could shut him out and give him an out for being a complete arse. I usually had a small amount of respect for him but now I know he never had that for me. He had such little decency that even when someone is having a breakdown he still thinks his opinion is needed. At that point, I realized how tired I was of him treating everyone like shit.

So, I told him what someone should've said to him a long time ago.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you so self-absorbed that you think now is the time to fight with me? How bad of a person can you be?" I said, shaking with anger

I saw his eyes flash with...a new emotion, I couldn't tell what it was, it wasn't anger or proudness. Before I could figure it out he decided to respond

"Hah! Do you think I care how a blood traitor thinks about me? I just told you what everybody was thinking" he laughed

I heard a slap and realized it had come from my hand against his face. I had never hit someone,  I wanted to of course but I never saw myself actually doing it. I guess he didn't expect it either because, when he saw the red hand mark across his face he slammed me into the nearby wall.

"Who the hell do you think you are" He yelled at me, eyes full of fury

I winced as I hit the wall but it only fueled my anger" I'm the girl who did what someone should've done years ago. I don't think I'm anything, I know I'm always going to come out better than you. The real question is, do you know who you are malfoy?" I said calmly

His hand wrapped against my neck as he held me against the wall,

"Are you going to kill me Malfoy? Do I threaten you that much" I smirked, ignoring the air I was losing

He smirked and tightened his grip, I could already feel the bruise forming on my neck.

"You're not worth it, you just need to be shown where you deserve to be." He spat

I kicked his leg and he immediately let go and grabbed his leg in pain "You bitch!"

I pulled out my wand quickly and held it up "Touch me again and I'll make it your biggest mistake. You may be able to get your way with everyone else but not with me. Come near me again and I'll fucking destroy you."

I grabbed my bag and shoved past him, trying to breathe as I ran up to the common room. No one was in there besides a boy reading a book so I was able to go up to my dorm with no questions.

I felt my neck and winced in pain, I blinked and a tear fell down my cheek. I wiped it off and got up to change into my nightwear. I looked into the mirror and at my neck, a dark purple bruise of his hand on my body.

I washed my face and brushed my teeth before laying down, but even sleeping couldn't stop the thoughts of what he did.

Word count: 901

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