Disclosure, A Message From The Author

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Hello, the author here. I hope you all have had a good week! I wanted to just quickly clear a few things up

1) The relationship between Y/N and Draco is NOT abusive. Their relationship for a while is extremely toxic and i'm not glorifying or romanizing that.
The only time Draco has hurt her badly was before when they 'hated' each other. The times where it got a little physical one of them ended it before it went too far. The relationship is based on interpretation. Draco can be really toxic, and I wanted for Y/N to stand up for herself instead of backing down every time, this doesn't mean that at times she isn't also toxic. It is the same as Harry and Draco's fights, just with Y/N instead of Harry.

1.5 ) Another note, they are both codependent, that's why they get back together a lot. It is addressed as the book goes on.

2) Neville and Y/N relationship. It is completely platonic. I love Neville but what he and y/n have is nothing but a close friendship, like every other relationship besides Draco she has.

3) The last thing I want to say is on "A Father Always Loves His Daughter" and "Love can't Happen Through Pain" Draco is not assaulting Y/N. As a victim I would never write that, in the first chapter I mentioned where he kisses her before she leaves, he did have consent and if he didn't he wouldn't have continued, when they first kissed he immediately felt guilty for not asking. It was only after that he felt comfortable kissing her. I rephrased one of the parts as it has come to my attention that he does say something very creepy at the end of said chapter, so I have fixed that to make it more appropriate.

In the chapter "love can't happen through pain" he kisses her because that's what he did in their relationship and thought it could've fixed what was happening, Y/N made it clear that doing so wouldn't fix it hence her saying "that's not going to work Draco, leave me alone", and so he does. I never want to imply that there is anything non-consensual happening and I'm sorry if I ever implied that. The only time it ever was too far was the fight in the first few chapters where he chokes her, and it's shown that he feels guilty about it in the future chapter by saying he won't hurt her.

Draco has a history of being violent, and why he is that way will be explained as the story goes on.

Draco and Y/N have an interesting relationship but it's not abusive and he's never do anything non-consensual. I wanted to make this clear because I don't want anyone to be triggered by my story.

Next, I know Y/N doesn't know that Draco is Sherbet but y'all....she thought they hated each other. We know it's Draco because we've read it but she doesn't know. I know it's frustrating but give her a break guys. Thank you

The last thing I want to say is that Y/N is supposed to be inclusive to everyone. That's why I never disclose hair texture, race, anything like that. The HP fandom has a history of prejudice already and I want people to feel included.

I just wanted to disclose that as I've gotten some comments that were concerned. Thank you for your patience with me.


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