Jelous Much? Part Two

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You sighed as you flipped though yet another magazine, currently you were at Lyida Martin's house for a girl day along with Malia and Kira. Now you weren't complaining you did enjoy having a girls day but every two minutes someone's phone would beep wether it was Kira's texting Scott Malia to Stiles or Lydia who's phone was buzzing probably with random boys asking for her hand in marriage or something because Lyida was well Lyida.

"Well you wrench of......a lot of stuff" your head turned towards Malia who was currently looking back at you with raised eyebrows, you just shook your head at her way to ruin a girls day. "Yeah what's up Y/N?" Kira asks Turing her attention away from her phone toward you.

"Her and Liam" Lydia responded without even looking up from her phone probably texting a random boy. The two girls looked between yourself and the strawberry blonde looking for some sign that this wasn't true but then again Lydia and abs seemed to know everything about everyone.

"Y\N what happened and don't say nothing because that's obviously not true!" Kira said pressing the topic at you, knowing that you were eventually going to have to talk .

You ran your hands though your hair frustrated at the three of them you knew it wasn't there fault but it didn't stop you from being mad.

"Liam is being a dickhead okay!" You said in a harsh tone then picked up a magazine flipping the pages angry at the world because that's just how it was in the world of supernatural dating.

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