You Find Out Hes A Werewolf Part One

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Disclaimer I do not own Liam Dunbar or any of the other characters that are mentioned in here. I do write majority of theses imagines unless stated otherwise. On that note please enjoy!

"King" you called out you were waiting for your dog to come back In after letting him out to do is business for the last time for night.

Sighing you called his name once again but he didn't come back you walked out to see him crawling under the fence,running back inside you ran out the front door to try and catch him but of course he was already running down the road. Without a second though you ran after him thanking yourself you took track.

You ran until you got to the woods. You looked around knowing this is the only place king could go but why here! Fishing out your phone you turned on the flashlight as you stated to walk into the woods calling for king.

"Come on boy" you called out and you heard leafs crunch spinning around king came out running towards you. . . We'll away from you "what-king!"

You were just about to run after him again when you heard something the leafs crunched behind you. Turing around shingling the flashlight in the direction that the noise came from you saw something well more like someone and it looked like Liam.

You were about to look there again but your phone beeped telling you that it was dead.

You though for a moment of course it couldn't be Liam,Liam would be home playing video games or something not out in the woods in the dead of night.

Looking around once more you saw nothing. Chuckling to yourself you couldn't believe that you thought you actually saw someone out here more or less Liam!

Growling you heard growling. looking straight ahead you saw a pair of golden eyes locked on to you. Backing away you began to run. Of course you ran into the woods not away. You could feel whatever was chasing was on your tail.

Dodging trees you ziged zagged around trying to lose what was ever chasing you but whatever it was it was fast you were trapped no were to go pressed up against a tree the creature walked toward you snarling at you.

You could feel it's hot breath on your face your eyes were shut as your prayer that it would be fast your eyes fluttered open to take one more look at the world. You looked at the creature. The moon was bright enough so you could see what it was. You slightly gasp gulping as you spoke one word


Dun dun duhhhhh!!

Hope you enjoyed the update!

And thank you for the 100+ reads

Does anyone actually like my imagines though?

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