He Helps You During Your Period

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You sighed curing up even more, the heating pad was on the highest it could go and you were quite shock it hadn't exploded yet. You hated this and what you meant by this was periods.

Now usually your fine during the time of month you get it, put a lady product on and bam your good no cramps no mood swings no nothing but that wasn't the case today. You were so bad that you had to stay home which was very rare in general.

Around noon you heard a knock on your window rolling to the other side which hurt a lot your eyes were met with another Liam.

The window opened as he walked into your room plastic bags slung on either arm. "I figured you either had a cold or you know it was that time so I got food and brought chick flick" he said coming over to where you were laying kissing your head before he walked out of the room most likely to go put the food away.

Two chick flicks and half a pint of ice cream you weren't any better. It was quite between the two of you as you laid there curled up into your boyfriend chest his arms wrapped around you occasionally he would place small kisses on your forehead.

"Scott was teaching me this new thing the other day and I think it could help with the pain" Liam said moving as little as possible. Looking up you raised an eyebrow "Oh do tell because anything that can help with the pain would be freaking gods greatest gift at the moment" Liam chuckled before he placed his hand just above your hips. You had to lean froward slightly to see what he was doing. Almost as soon as he placed his hand there pain left your body you couldn't help but smile in relief "What did you do?" You asked him he let out a breath of air "I took away some of your pain."

"You looked at him "That's pretty freaking awesome" The boy nodded his head "yeah and now I know how you feel you girls don't lie when you say it feels like your insides are trying to like kill you from the inside out."

You chuckled at your boyfriend before nestling back into him.

First of all Hi! And second sorry if it's kinda a crappy chapter it's semi edited but not fully. Thirdly if you saw my latest message you saw that this-my book is on the top 10 (if you don't count my book that is when your counting) like that is so freaking amazing and oh god not to mention I'm almost at 100k like *Mind blown* so thank you so much for all your support and love and comments and votes and adding this into your reading lists and following me and tHANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING WORDS CAN NOT EXPLAIN MY EMOTIONS AT THE MOMENT AND GUYS TEEN WOLF SEASON 5 SO CLOSE YET SO FAR!!!

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