Girl Your Jealous Of Part Two

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Sighing you ran your hand though your hair your mind was fuzzy and you couldn't get the images out of your head.

"They looked much like a couple!"

You slid your back against a locker and fell to the floor "Come on Y/N it's not like he's going to ignore you right? I mean he's your boyfriend and he likes you a lot!"

You said out loud to an empty hallway trying to boast your confidence,

"Yeah he was just laughing with her nothing else" and with that being said the bell rang for your next class.


The wind blew as you walked to the field to watch Lacrosse practice, for California it felt like an Meat Freezer.

"Well you smell like you want to kill someone" Malia said after you dropped your bag on the bleachers you gave her a strange look

"Was it that obvious?!........well she is a werecoyote"

"What are you talking about?" You asked trying to play it off.

"Okay stop lying and let the beans spill" You was about to tell her that the saying was phrased wrong but You just held breath.

I sat down and sighed
"Do you think Liam and Kira could possibly ever work?" She looked confused for a moment.

"Like at a store?"

I shook my head "No no no like go out,date, do you think he would break up with me just to be with her??" You said slightly frustrated at her maybe Malias love advice was not the best.

She shrugged "I dunno,but your one thousand percent jealous of her"
"I'm not you know what just forget it alright?" I grumbled slightly and waited for practice to start.

Throughout practice You noticed that Liam didn't give you his famous smile,he didn't make eye contact with you, heck he probably didn't even know you were there. Also whenever Liam was in goal he wouldn't let anyone get a ball though anyone but her and when he did he had this look on his face that got to you.

Then a ball came from the outfield and landed in the bleachers, getting up you picked the ball up holding in your hand. You could hear Coach yell "Throw it back" and that's when you noticed Liam and Kira were once again talking and that's what set you off you thew it as hard as you could aiming it at her. Now of course you didn't think it hit her that hard but I guess all those self defense lessons paid off because you thew it so hard that it got her off balance and made her fall which also caused Liam to look at you In an angrier fashion you rolled your eyes and grumbled slightly.

Picking up your things you said goodbye to Malia and walked away from the field and called your mom to come pick you up.

"What the hell "Y/N!"

You turned around to see Liam jogging over to you he had a very unpleasant face on. you shrugged slightly not really wanting to talk to him at the moment. "Why would you do that?" He asked for a second time and once again you shrugged. "God Dam It Y/N talk!!" He yelled in frustration.

"You want me to talk Huh? Okay I'll talk what's up with you?" You asked sharply at him.

"What?" He asked confused, you rolled your eyes at him

"Don't play dumb Liam what's up with you and Kira?" He scoffed "You think there's something up with me and Kira that's what's got you all worked up? Your jealous....of course you are because if it doesn't go Y/Ns way it's wrong" he mocked you and that's when you blew up.

"For fucks sake Liam stop acting like that you obviously like her I have eyes okay your laughing with her you let her score goals at practice you barley notice it's like you stopped caring about this about us,and don't you even say I'm jealous I have eyes Liam I know you like her you give her the same look you give me!"

He looked at you for a moment his eyes flashed the golden yellow you knew you ticked him off but the moment you didn't care you stepped closer to him keeping your ground.

"I have eyes Liam,maybe you should use yours. You saw your mothers car pull into the parking lot, "You should get that under control maybe go see your girlfriend she could probably help" you said mockingly. He looked at you for a moment

"What are you trying to say Y\N?" You sighed slightly

"I'm saying I'm breaking up with you" the car came to a stop in front of you two, you opened the passages door not looking back at him.

You were quite the whole way home

Who knew your heart could actually be broken into two?

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