What He Gets You For Valentines Day

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You sighed as you tapped your screen looking though snapchat everyone was sharing photos and videos of them with there boyfriend or girlfriend and you didn't dare go on Twitter Instagram or Facebook because that would just be overkill.

Your home was currently empty. your elder sister was out with her boyfriend, and your younger brother had a Valentine's Day party at his friends house hell even your parents were out on a date! Everyone was having a very Valentine-y Valentine's Day except you.

Sighing once more you got out of your bed phone in hand and headed down to the living room to see if anything was on. You clicked on the tv and flipped though channels finally settling on the CW Arrow. You soon got lost in the show only to zone back in when you herd a knock on the door, you shrugged it off thinking it was the wind, a few moments later the knock came again. You got off the couch and walked over to the door opening it to feel a cold breeze to hit you, you also saw your boyfriend Liam standing there as well.

"Y/N I'm so sorry for not calling texting or even telling you happy Valentines Day but the only reason why I did none of these things is because I was quite busy looking for the perfect present which I hope I did find"

With that he move aside slightly so you could see a brown small puppy who had floppy ears and cute brown eyes. You couldn't help but smile and hug your boyfriend.

The next few hours the three of you (counting your puppy) played outside. You decided to name the puppy wolf somewhat because of Liam and the other part because wolfs are domesticated to dogs.

You laughed at the sight of Liam playing with Wolf as you though to yourself that this was the best Valentine's Day ever and you were blessed to have such an amazing boyfriend.

Happy Valentine's Day to all even if you don't have a Bae you are beautiful regardless!

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